75 art of decoding, what is represented on walls г

BRANCHING, OR _ LOOK FIGURE To СТР, 72! Use an illustration 74 > 73.
How it is possible to deduceinexact result? Even Чапаю, or me! If will decide other riddles, where there is a certain secret, and main - letter иерглифами, even, and Babylon клинописью.
And as a matter of fact, the problem needs To be cleared away from Stratification of conclusions, and Discrepancies of years for hundred!! Mistakes I slip from clauses at typing by hieroglyphs by machines in a printing house. Per 1900! This not Computer imposition now! Also it is the same keyboard? But with Hundreds hieroglyphs! I here correct that in tens mistake, and if it Рисунчатый the text? As the example is the texts with иерoглифами- a set of Letters, as on a typewriter, and how an example существуюn Two sets of hieroglyphs as though paint? And as a Black silhouette, it seems printing houses of France had Black not transparent hieroglyphs, and Similar. Even the Point, point is a Different sense now, or birds, their Tens, and line: straight linees, slanting, and Point or similar hieroglyph it = number 100! It concerns Фестского of a disk, and secrets of Egypt, that we assort now!. I closely have looked this water colour, from the book Квибелл " Гробниа Хеси-Ра " and иллюстраию of same spiral of the snake, that is made by ink there! There is a decent difference in that case, where the risks on a body of the snake and their quantity(amount) are drawn, as well as the fine details are short risks, such as Points between Long risks! All should be noticed and anything Casual, as in this text, though, and - confusing a little!! And this certain destruction of the Concept, that the snake, it spiral in structure some accounting утройства, that considered not as Tens, and Ancient system of the account, where analogue by ours to Tens, number 12. And so: on black white figure at me Like managed Three times to switch Possible(probable) шестерни in устройствн- the counter = in decades! That is, on analogue of the electrical counter: All well Overlooked  500000 years!
! Is Чапай stay in conversation with Квибеллом, and on the simple assumption will be confusing probably трындеть and гундосить= speaking! You how, checked figures, when inserted them into the book?
Квибелл after some meditation, it was necessary to understand идеоматику = frock Чапая: " but you, вандер of the books?!
-Чо= what! - (he) трпындит= speak, what me does not understand? - has continued кипятиться Чапай! - help with translation? And, Чапай began to tell, that(he) on not water colours, and on figure by ink has made, including risks Three transitions with 1- 10! Here it was necessary already Квибеллу to push, that Чапай meant, that the first wheel in window turns in counters and go simbols_О, 1, 2 and тал up to 9, and at this moment the Zero, and in the next window after occurrence 1, in the first window as 1 leaves again. That is - number 11! There was a second decade in the second window keeps 1, and in first 2, 3. That give numbers 12, 13, 19 and in the first window one more_ About, and begins to be switched 1, in the second window to the second decade, and will go 21, 22, and so on! While we shall count - How many figures is involved, whether and ten? In one переключениеие = set?
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1 and 1 but in second window. That that many, and not Ten!
Is 12 figures from 0 up to 0! Then the account on risks went in Decimal system, instead of 12 теричной,
Well, it can be specified on All spiral, and to find Places of switching of decades, that is on 11, 21, 31 and so on! That that I write nothing changes! But the conclusion on this colour water colour, and figure by ink allocates some discrepancies! That is, in some places the risks are, and sometimes on the person - misses. Not on the person Чапая! There глыбокая = well a wrinkle an idea! Thinks, means!
I have worked Two coils, considering from a head of the snake, and that that here is the account, and goes Counter-clockwise differently hed does not give, and if in this device there is, my assumption an axis at the centre with a Set whil with tooth, as in the counter, though спидометре, and risks, it скобы, that force to rotate wheels, as in the counter all now! And, pay!
1. Second coil, there squares: a, b, c in is black white figure In general here is not present рисок= lines.
2. Still important yes_ between Long risks Short, and is similar in this place there is switching decades, that is with 10 on 11, for the second decade! For example 1 figures 13 in this figure.
3. Really short рискт is from the Left party, where the name of a file " 74 and read 72 " - there probably, 4 times occur Switching, or do it Internal  on a Step, as in counters now, for example, after 70, or 120 will appear already 81 and 131 in windows, accordingly!
As Чапай and Квибелл, that have sat down a table, and began to make modifications Considering both figures. And me it has not surprised! I wrote on a sole coffin from tomb empress Тии. There, in comparison with figure, and, how the text is given, to hieroglyphs in the book the accuracy is those, that in each line till 1-3 Discrepancies, and sometimes it is visible, that have put not That hieroglyph! That is, Remember, in the texts писанных иерoглифами, немерено = many of mistakes and to understand it is possible! A paint frequently осыпалась, as well as some fragments of the same frescos., also we shall try All risks to insert on Two figures. I shall repeat - in some places there is an almost Complete concurrence!
At me to be switched there were no simply drums, but it is necessary all to clean and to specify! As doyng Чапай, and me it is necessary to search in other chapters lists with listing black- of white figure of the snake and to compare to a water colour, and sometimes to think, as the part рисок crush is possible! Such frescos are often! Those more чт as a matter of fact tomb Хеси - Ра had the opened doors 1000 months. The simply natural conditions and mans could try.  The same Removal of Blockages, on lornal  floors were completely засыпаны, and Stone, have to the Stone, in ground, and sometimes corner Obviously have disassembled
