The people of this city

The people of this city, they are always on the move.
They're in a hurry. To his house. To their children. To their parents.
They all need to take shelter under the warm blanket of love.
They are on the way to their dream, they are in a hurry to find what life owes them.
They run, they strive, they endure. Sometimes they break down.
Then they realize their mistakes and continue their journey, their battle again.
Do not stop them, do not persuade them in anything, life so puts them severe obstacles, drives them into a corner, sometimes puts them in check, throws new challenges, trying to strengthen them, then humble them, then lead to an understanding of something.
These people don't feel sorry for themselves. They don't value themselves. They don't feel sorry for their nerves or their skin. And they sometimes turn into simple slaves on galleys, who row with their oars and with these oars and with their labor, with their self-sacrifice, they achieve holiness.
And overnight they become no longer important whether they achieve their dreams or not.
Because they have already achieved something more.
Don't be hard on them. They drank from the cup of disappointment, and that explains a lot.
Say a kind word to these people. Give a bright look to this city.
Do not skimp on sacrifices in the name of your neighbors. Those who are close to you and need you, your help, your words.
And while the clock is still ticking and the heart is beating, be capable of mercy for this city, be capable of forgiveness and love for its inhabitants.
