Life. The birth of the prophet

The  key of holiness will open the door without the vulgarity of sin,
Collecting treasures from thoughts,
being blessed with the power of the spirit,
Keeping firmness from the temptation to succumb to the desire of bodily connections.

This is  because  the purity  of the  mind's  thoughts is subordinated to the eternity of the soul,
and the fragility  of the body is  eternal.
Climbing the steps  of infinity ,
Saving a collection of desires in the soul,

Advancing the essence in a new birth in the name of goodness,
Filling the world with a mission  is the illumination of the soul with the breath of endless.
And the propet was sent to share the path
that was woven by day and night with evenness,

Not finding a way out of the impasse
that had shackled the mind under the ice for the necessary insight of impartiality .
People did not understand the difference between good and blemish,
which helped to achieve their goals,

But the sharpness in the difference of affairs in nature caused outrage,
Cities were  destroyed ,
centuries were burned to streamline that meaning .
Idle dreams burned up in a fire that clogged the mind , and plunged time into decline,weaving vice  into the rhyme.

The thirst for blood in achieving the goals
through filling the rivers caused a flood.
Time had washed away the vicious origin ,
allowing to correct and erase that womb. .
