
Literary project “1000 and one day with Poetry and Prose” and “Poems in two languages”


He emerged out of nowhere,
Inseparable with his pride,
He created myth, where
A luminous face was praised.
At the same night, that calm as ever,
He wanted to deceive his fate,
But the destiny, being clever,
Tried to show him enemy’s hate.
Lines of sky face were in fever -
It was sign: his horse was frightened,
And the moon was quite yellow,
But he was waiting for his fight.
More than waiting - he was hurrying
To achieve the warrior’s goal.
Victory in the blood screaming -
Of course, it by the military known.
Life beats both stupid and smartest,
For it all the heroes unknown.
But in the darkness the steel sparkles,
“Come on”, he was hasting, “time’s on”.
This story was drowned in the Leta,
His name on the stone became mold.
He was faithful to his credo
As he was a faithful to the old.
2011, 2022
Ksenia Mira

Литературные проекты «1000 и один день с Поэзией и Прозой» и «Стихотворения на двух языках»


Из ниоткуда он возник,
С своей гордыней неразлучный,
Он миф создал благополучный,
В нём восхвалялся светлый лик,
И в ту же ночь, на бой сзывая,
Он обмануть хотел судьбу,
Судьба же, гордых привечая,
Пыталась знак подать ему:
Алеет даль, заржали кони,
Луна взошла, совсем желта,
Но воин как всегда спокоен,
Ему примета - не чета.
Улегся спать, решил на зорьке
К границам вражеским ступать,
В крови победы часто горьки –
Как не военному то знать.
Но только враг его не дремлет,
И в темноте сверкает сталь,
Он поражений не приемлет,
Он верен кредо как и в старь.
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