006 Ingl - I, Davis Theodore Девис, археолог! - st

006_Ingl_- I, Davis Theodore__ Девис, археолог! - stranger again was presented, hanging up a gun on гвоздик_Hook in a wall! / компьютерный перевод без Who ви is, such? - on decent Russian (he) has set secondarily @ question? - you are not similar to a tourists, that here is constant шастают- this go! All норовят стырить that or, as суфенир=Souvenir, certainly!
(HE) GETS FROM WIDE ШТАНИН- military jeans.
Чапаев has rummaged in бездонных pockets галифе, and has taken a certain document, that has stretched Девису!
-Батенька= DaddY_! – завопил_cry_ it is joyful Девис! - returning the travelling certificate which has been written out on two Scientific employees nobody of Institute USSR! - we wait for you second day.
-И, on this salute? - has asked with undisguised irony, Чапаев?
That ви, that ви! - чволочь чакал = Word jackal! For бугром выла ипостась=roar  of the god Анубиса!
- It is clear! - has told Чапай! - and, suddenly having risen on четвереньки=Has risen on 4 paws, and гавкая ломанул in сереющие = Has directed on__ in the pre-dawn sky, shadow!
- -Гав! Гав! - гавкал, exulting, Чапай! – Шакалов = jackals, and with them half of vagrant dogs, as by a wind has blown off!
This usual introduction on a subject! Why such strange heroes, and why here still, and Анка- пулеметчица? / the heroes of film _ Чапаев?
This usual now Reproduction nobody of the historical fact on boundless open spaces the Internet. You are not surprised, that the certain brawny extras волокут =To pull__ a certain stone, certainly пенопласт, in a certain pyramid! / And that at them at all on a head a striped addition немес, what as a matter of fact Crown фараонов? - I understood taking into account told, itself having (translated) very small fragments of the reports археологов on tombs, that the certain opponents nevertheless will not prevent by him(it), as will make comments, as a rule, on certain subjects from excavation: a groove on stone walls, list, or certain sculptures, as well as their part!
And some conclusions I thrust myself upon a certain end of this subject.
What you will do(make), except for, it is natural - perusal? In each page, and this not the exception, will be a certain subject, for example cover with a portrait from a jug конопы, and there are a lot of inscriptions иерглифами.
What to understand in initial read of hieroglyphs, and for this purpose these so to tell(have an effect) the heroes from the people!

It(him) result, it is usual in all books on гробнице empress Тии.
- Well, what? To enter a role, and soon much will understand!
How think? Whether it was (difficult) Картеру to find the tomb Тутанхамона? But dug, at what, as a tractor likely six years, and having absolutely disabused, seeyng same, that on this snapshot!
And so! Here and скатились =Have fallen_ from a slope Чапай, and Анка- пулеметчица! That, as the students of the Russian High school also are directed with a letter of recommendation, and - to Девису! (he) already has read the travelling instruction, and as with money on excavation hardly, the travellers, Чапая send on a bottle "Metropolitan - wodka" till 3. 62 Roubles for a floor of litre! For acquaintance, also cut her! Find a bottle! The help - protects her(it) a policeman at an input(entrance), and that black failure on the right, and is an input(entrance) in гробницу Kv. 55, that does not give to sleep more than hundred years to the researchers of Ancient Egypt. On this tomb I have found only in one resource not less than 20 books, and very old! Will be speed here is noisy! Анка, having had a sleep it is a little in tent, will kindle fire in field kitchen! More important persons will arrive also!
Археологи: Айртон, Масперо, that wait second day, and already it is known, that they on the friend I protect Niles in hotel "Луксор". For all day searched of the photographer, and have found in the local newspaper, it - Focus! On entrance to gloomy gorge first has appeared likely here  auto " Фордик,
P/s. Далее – перевод в компьютерной программе “ как есть!”. Я только перевожу слова типа coffin= саркофаг, или “ tomb =гробница” что не имеет в словаре своем программа!...................6..................
