The Rise Of Great Fire

So much blood has been shed to no purpose
As well as angry curses
In a flash the old world's falling down
Death will reign all around
There's no hope for salvation
We've reached the destination

Judgment day, ash cloud is flying
Higher and higher
For the sake of millions of dying
It's the rise of the great fire

Almighty beast
And frail human
Likeness increased
Change is looming
The Darwinian Evolution
Made a conclusion

Natural selection
Is fair justice
Sword-law is rustless
At any time

We're broken

Judgment day, ash cloud is flying
Higher and higher
For the sake of millions of dying
It's the rise of the great fire

Two hundred years we won’t see dreams
In that hot war nobody wins

Slay for gain and with delight
One day you suffocate from your spite

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