Хочешь - Английская версия

Английский текст песни "Хочешь"
Автор оригинальной песни - Земфира
Автор английского текста - Андрей Макаренко

Хочешь? (англ.версия - Do You?)

Be mercy! Please, don't die,
Or I will have to follow.
If you'll be in heaven high,
So I be in vast sorrow…

Do you… wanna be together?
Do you… gonna love forever?
Do you let blow all the stars me?
Just to give you peace…

Be strongful, just stay alive!
Can you see me living all for you?
My love to you is so rife,
So, please, give me another tomorrow!

Do we… gonna stay together?
Do we'll… be in love forever?
Will we sacrifice our hearts blood,
Just that we would not be parted?

Be kinder, just stay along!
Just remember all we lived together!
I can sing this lifeful song,
Just to prove I will leave you never!

Will we… change lapms for the sunlight?
Will we… for each other hard fight?
Promise, we'll be there together,
Either hellfire, either heaven!

Promise me, just be alive…
