Life. A single mind

The father gave  the night to Son to rule,
Because he was destined to fill the world with colors,
Where was the courage  of thought  as a common truth.
That gave birth to music ,numbers ,art and flavor.

And having granted such a boon,he ruled in night being kept in exile.
The divinity  of recognition  aspired to immortality,inspiring glory to exist.
The breath of the night did not generously bestow the living and for many centuries  was closed in eternal sleep.
Feeding on the essence  that poisoned  the water ,giving birth to a potion  similar to breath of fire .

In that dead or living water ,having found themselves,without knowing  the measure ,everything  was dead.
The vessel  of life ,protected  the hearts from curiosity ,which gave rise to evil fight.
There is a day and a night ,two brothers  are the gods of life.
They were born in the same ,being those who  opened the gates,

Where the rules of the  mysterious game  in life existed,
Without  breaking them you would live forever.
Since the vessel  is subject to the study of time to fill or empty itself,
And in this  dance ,life gives birth to time.

You  have to respect  the deities.
That in the morning ,explaining the Vedas ,freedom was given when darkness had come,
But having conquered  the twilight of evil,the day would come again ,condemned the rights.
Breaking the vessel with everyday life,

Forcing to make a  choice in what would fill  whole life with meaning.
To live not in repentance ,but always in joy.
So two brothers changed the time and each of them has own price .
Because by making the burden one ,the brothers changed   the philosophy of life.
