125 ingl страничка, important! by a basis a conclu

Always in investigation there will come  moment, when the facts will deduce on a direct road, but, how it is possible to move to  solution of secret гробницы Kv.55, as well as secret there found саркофага, I now precisely shall share tasks, and I shall plan ways! For  long time was noticed, though on Old Solar картушу on саркофаге, so It is more reliable, than to guess hundred years man's саркофаг was , or there there was a mummy of  certain empress. Old Solar name on саркофаге, and New Solar name will divide, and that is important, Logically погребальную сень=sepurcral canopy, and mentioned саркофаг = coffin! I shall repeat, and I shall specify! I have counted, that the Solar name was and at Аменхотепе 3, and not just in Epoch of a reign of  son Эхнатона! Then a Difference in years of manufacturing саркофага and  (count) 36 and 17 years, these фараоны corrected, that is between manufacturing , and погребальной сени could pass and 53 years!
The variant 1, that Is standard! In 53 years, and it is known, that tomb empress Тии, such Is, at least, on film in Ютубе was, let Is plundered, and Эхнатон перезахоронил, already empress Тии in a Valley of kings! King Valley -Кv, also has given numbering there гробниц, Тии had number 55 = -Кv.55!
The variant 2 even more confusing! Probably grandson Тутанхамон перезахоронил empress Тии in a Valley of kings, but in what that the moment a mummy have changed for his Possible father Эхнатона!
Variant 3. Дико is logical! Like, but almost in the period when there dug Чапаев, and Анка - пулеметчица кошеварила= cooking , чо to not laugh, in coffin was Тутанхамон!? But, as, it tomb has opened Картер in 1922, it пройденный a stage! Hundred thirteen years go unceasing with what that the Mexican serial! Now, even in 2014 ours of WOUNDS of Russia after film on Ютубу has assured, that in саркофаге how to drink to give, three fingers about асс – фйльт= road, - Эхнатон!
Variant 4. Not less popular in саркофаге Сманхакр, фараон, that of rules up to Тутанхамона year!
It is logic impasse! But in Light told, basically Сменхакр, also could have Old solar names, that has received ten years prior to death Аменхотепа 4. Itself жн Аменхотеп 4, at the end of a reign had New Solar картуш! More precisely, after 7 - го of year of government, up to 17 - го, also COULD NOT have on саркофаге Old картуш with a Falcon! Before, I am more simple all speak  about Solar names, their pair of variants! ALL! IS NOT PRESENT! THAT NOBODY TOOK INTO ACCOUNT.
All can be replaced after a presence(finding) of the Present information!
1. Not taken into (not disc factor! It is Four фигурки фараона on погребальной сени= sepurcral canopy! It can be, though who, and Регенты, that corrected up to majority Сменхакра and Тутанхамона, as, and it nobody considered, Unknown фараон! Itself think! If Сменхакр and Тутанхамон children фараона Аменхотепа 4, then It is possible вклинить = to do still фараона! But under the law of Transfer of Authority in Egypt, it all the same, that between Лениным and Сталиным to insert Трампа! It is a plant! Is  the opponent in depth tomb, not important with what, faster Sq. 55 has not agreed! And as you would consider Collateral branches in a line of relationship фараонов!
2. Perhaps on person in all researches, Limitation of the list those who could really stand at
Authorities! Children Five, empress Тии, as well as them тестя Ойю are known! Небета, Ситамен, Исида, and pair of children empress Тии! You see Аменхотеп 4 - its senior son! And on names of children empress Тии I have not met anything, and you see (it) could be, on the moment of a burial place in Kv. 55 and for 50 years! Then the list will extend incredibly! About it a Tree Тутанхамона " also is displayed in  chapter "! There I have collected, and it is portraits on three tomb, and it is one Hundred almost of relatives, up to Тутанхамона! At what, almost half from hundred, had Уреи! That is, the Solar revolution could be entered not 4 persons, by I about covers on конопах from Kv. 55, and tens Unknown фараонов! It is basic miss Аменхотепа 4! The authority became not authority, and = it all  it To write down in the list фараонов!
Casually I mentioned his( name, this Greek where has made that in 7 century up to Р.Х were in Egypt, and conversing then there with жрецами= priests, list фараонов! I shall tell so is гробница, where that 5 Dynasties, that rules likely, 5000 years back, and there was фараон Унас! I saw a certain wall from (him) tomb, and that is interesting -в (him)  name- Заяц! So, there is a text from a ceiling to a floor, and through a line Unique name - with зайцем, and ALL! Precisely and clearly let to tell it about a plot from Kv. 55
Idle time вуопрос: - for this purpose here also is Чапй! - so you would (miss) this paragraph!
- How many nevertheless фараонрв or empresses, in how many mummy was covered under sepurcral canopy? - only Russian could do it, that the texts in гробнице specify a group burial place, leaving on four портрета= pictures- of a cover of jugs! Never met Развитеие let be  of this subject?,!
- Here Василий Иваныц! Верняк- has left on a dilemma in the theorem! Yet will of the answer " that for Four фигурки фараонов are represented on погребальной сеи, and Number(line), not in Different places of the text, farly from being we shall advance! "
- How yours looks at it Буржуазная=USA science? A question, that has set following Чапаю Анка - пулеметчица, peally  for speach  of Times СССР! Why nevertheless, we shall present the certain Letters of times Russyan Kings!
-! Has continued речугу = speech неутомимая =coock woman_: - at us on лабазе= the door the letter from my great-grandfather hung, that was at war still in Crimean! And were in beauty vignettes oictures king and generals! Here it is clear on _Иерглифу- four фараона! -говорь! She(it) to Девису, оп by whom ищщо was written? Where Gold? –Ирод!- вопила неукратимая пулеметчица! What for  is gold from Kv. 55?
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