An inhaling phase of breath

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the smoke of the cigarette
imbues my loneliness with blue and grey
i think i'm almost fine
the way the tip smolders red with an
inhaling phase of breath
carries me away or something of a kind

you know
when I held her hand in mine
i knew that everything's been fine
surely i was the one of two
that has got caught in love
has it been something good we've had
something we never might regret 
and there was nothing wrong till one of us said
it was not enough

how strange that i think of something
i'm not sure is worth to ever be concerned
strange i think at all
the smoke of the cigarette's a
witness of we only wanted to be heard
the fail was no one's fault

and when I held her hand in mine
i knew that everything's been fine
surely i was the one of two
that has got caught in love
has it been something good we've had
something we never might regret 
and there was nothing wrong till one of us said...

© Maxim Lobov, 2021
