The Coronavirus Home Test Experience 14-08-2021

Saturday, 14th August 2021. Nottinghamshire, England, UK

diary on line
The Coronavirus Home Test Experience 14-08-2021

14-8-2021 - i did Covi 19 Testing, home testing today , sent already
by Royal Mail Tracker

I still have a couch
I had a blood traces in a couch liquid ~3am night

I called to 111 NHS for advices
I had a call from a Doctor at morning

now 18:41/Sat.14-08-2021

My couch better, i managed to have some time out of a couch
with returning back couch sessions which not such strong "to cut" my lims.

So, the situation is not right at moment,
i have a white tonger.
i have a up-down returning session of a headages
I have not a temperature
I had not a loss of smell-taste
I have a strong emotional moral tirednes as a heavy continues couch for days was, low my mood and mood down.

I had not used tables as 1st day on 10th about from couch and flue
i had used what left and as i was not going out as a couch
i could not replaces

i colled and emeiled to my children, twp ex-husband,
nobody called/sms/emailed me back
including as to offer any help/shopping help/chemistry help/loan and credit money offers/emiational and moral support/ any support as just  a barrier if a silince not disturbing me to have a good quality sleeping relaxing session

(Updated on 15-16th August: my daugter helped  me, thanks a lot)
(Поправка на 15ое попозже:  дочка моя помогла мне, спасибо ей)

I tried to up my mood as low
I tried to sing songs as a vibration to help my body to clean the liquids of couch out

I wrote my humour style song on English and a melody too

The Song  on English by me, day 
Saturday, 14th August 2021.  UK, Nottinghamshire

Saturday, 14th August 2021. Nottinghamshire, England, UK.

You are...

You are
as a white cloud
on the sky

While a cloud is so high
and you
are near me and a wine

You are
as a glass of red wine
so strong bright attacks

But i
prefer my own
glass of red wine
not be disturbing

by a walking
red wine

The Song  "You are..."
By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin. 


This was sounded nice in singing with a melody
i just forgot words and melody
already now
what i had created.

and i would not able

to copy sing songs some melody or words,

this was just a moment, just a mood.

and i low again, need a relax, sleep.

I had sent my Covi Test by Royal Mail Tracker
asi see this is not delivered for a end point
to test and no so messages
as just to see this on way.

FRom English Internet side

21 Covid symptoms to look out for
Here is the full list of 21 symptoms to look out for according Prof Spector:

High temperature (fever)
Chills or shivers
Persistent cough
Loss or change of smell
Loss or change in taste
Unusual tiredness
Sore throat
Sudden confusion
Skin rash
Changes in the mouth or tongue
Covid fingers or toes
Shortness of breath
Chest pains
Muscle pains
Horse voice
Skipping meals
Abdominal pains
Runny nose

21 Симптомы Covid, на которые следует обратить внимание
Вот полный список из 21 симптома, на которые следует обратить внимание, по словам профессора Спектора:

Высокая температура (лихорадка)
Озноб или дрожь
Постоянный кашель
Потеря или изменение запаха
Потеря или изменение вкуса
Головная боль
Необычная усталость
Больное горло
Внезапное замешательство
Кожная сыпь
Изменения во рту или языке
Пальцы рук или ног с ковидом
Боли в груди
Мышечные боли
Хриплый голос
Пропуск приема пищи
Боли в животе

I did a coronavirus test in England
14 - 08 - 2021.

At home,
I received it by mail myself,

once done, back by mail.

Through the British NHS healthcare system

The test is this:

sampling of genetic DNA material
from the glands, throat, inside the nose.

A very strange test:

1 cotton swab
it is necessary to make a fence
from the glands, throat, in the nose.

This raises questions for me:

1 cotton swab transfers
viruses, bacteria, infection
from the glands of the throat, throat, and nose as a result of the test.

What doesn't look hygienic: a: strange.

And mentions (instructions)
removal of the glands.

This topic was discussed by doctors.

With the result: no.

But now the same doctors, they will be ordered,
" can replay according to the instructions of the authorities."

M? Adolf Hitler's doctors did everything according to the instructions?

I'm not a doctor. I'm not a medic.

But the coronavirus test looks very strange.

If the infection is only in the throat-glands:
the test asks you to touch them, then touch this cotton swab and inside the nose:

what is the transfer of infection to the nose: and this:

and this is the place next to the eyes and brain.

That is, if there was no infection in the nose:
it was only in the glands:

the coronavirus test will transfer the infection with a cotton swab
to the area of the inside of the nose-eyes - brain.

How is this from a medical point of view?


I have been in England for 23 years +

British healthcare on the instructions of the government.

One of the rumors: on the Internet:
they want to remove everyone's tonsils,

to disable cut out hormone production
and the immune system

by transferring to injections for a fee as a complete total control.

The human body produces chemicals in the throat for the immune system.

Another horror story from YouTube:

These cotton rolls with incomprehensible worms under the microscope.


Video from Turkey,,.. - floods, is it: washed away the harvest and the famine then?


I was not ill with anything. I wore a mask, gloves and kept a social distance.

I was inside the house.

JCP artificially created a situation that lowered my minimum living standard

ha 53 pounds below. It seemed to them that this was not enough. They began to force me to drag me from our city to another: and the road with a transfer is in another city. This increases the risk of getting infected in trnasport. And he takes my money for food.

I complained. So there is not enough.

They started bringing me food at home.

Why, I could only get infected from this food.

On Russian

14.8.2021. Великобритания, Англия, Ноттингемшире
diary on line
личный дневник он-лайн


Тест на Коронавирус в Англии 14 08 2021


Сделала тест на коронавирус в Англии
14 - 08  - 2021.

Дома, сама
получила по почте,

сделав, назад по почте.

Через систему британского здравоохраннения NHS

Тест этот:

забор генетического материала ДНК
с  гланд, горла, внутри носа.

Я с 2019 делаю генетические тесты:


Если делать тест через FTDNA
американская компания
самая надежная как результаты
исследований ДНК

Там щеточка жёсткая как зубы чистить
но короче
снимает эпителий
внутри рта с левой и с правой щеки,

потом щёточка опускается в пробирку с жидкостью,
и закрывается отсылается

в FTDNA  компанию в США.

Они узнают ДНК отсюда.

*** В 23andMe  проще легче:
просто поплевать надо из рта в пробирку слюны
еаполнить слюною. И отослать.

Genebase щеточки аналогично FF FTDNA.

Тест на Коронавирус  в  Англии
здорово напоминает

именно процедуры забора
генетического материала  -  ДНК человека:

причём официально:
результат:  официально.

Т.е напоминает негласную задачу
создания  ДНК базы Великобритании,

с увязкой

имя-фамилия - адрес - дата --- ДНК человека в Базе ДНК Великобритании.

Они не говорят это , но они это делают, сделали.

начала с  сбора ДНК в Базу ДНК Великобритании
вначале  как криминальной:

нарушители закона
даже кто забыл пристягнуться ремнём сюда

родные жертв

служащие в полиции, в армии,,. особо зарубежом

беременные женщины и 
ДНК плода (неродившегося)
и потом уже родившегося ребёнка ДНК

Как понимаю:

система где
есть ДНК всех.

В привязке с имена-фамилии-адреса.

Т.е. всех.

Генетический тест
может показать
описание внешнего вида человека
цвет волос глаз
описание группы человека составной от папа и мамы

генетический тест
может показать
генетические болезни человека
они определяются по ДНК-маркерам

Генетический тест
может показать
сколько осталось жить?
* но как это многофакторно: то зная результат: можно "подкорректировать" в системе много-факторного влияния на продолжительность жизни.

Знание ДНК генетики граждан страны

это вопросы
планирование научных исследования, мер улучшения здоровья
т.е. финансирования проектов что будут востребованы и нужны.

Коронавирус коль инфекция
тоже ДНК тест по ДНК маркерам

у вируса есть свои маркеры частоты .

Организм и тело человека
органов человека
и бактрий в симбиозе.

Аналогично: глисты, грибки, вирусы, бактерии с их маркерами как особенности.


Кашль у меня где-то с 10 августа
но устала физически эмоционально

от процесса
и отхаркиваться

это повторяющийся процесс изматвает когда многодневный уже.

Температуры нет.

Я из дома по сути не выходила.

В магазине в маске и перчатках была.

Дистанцию 2 метра социальную держала.

КАшль может быть у человека множество причин:

- стресс, шок,
- эмоции
- подавленность
- депрессия, 
- обиделся
- расстроился
- простуда
- ОРЗ 
- Острое Респираторное Заболевание
- грипп
- ангина
- бронхит
- астма
- воспаление лёгких
- поперхнулся
- не в то горло попало при еде-разговоре
- при отравлениии дыхательных путей 
- от дыма и от газа
- при изменении сотава воздуха
- при "захлебнулся" (ныряя-плавая, накрыло волной при плаванье, был под водой)
лёгкие самозащищаются "фырчат сбрасывая воду что попала внутрь"
- при дыме (пожар)
- при массе пыли
- при пылевых соединениях мельчайших
- аллергия
- запах  слишком химически насыщенный
- при аллергии (на цветочную пыльцу, цветение)
- при слишком мощном запахе (духи)
- при нехватке воздуха
- аллергическая реакция
- отравление
- организм чихает и кашляет очищая дыхательные пути от пыли и пылевого расспыления
- от красок красить (маляры красят)  потолок-стены-пол

Т.е. нормальная реакция человеского тела
самоочищение дыхательных путей
вывод из тела через труску-кашль-отхаркивание ненужного.
- люди покашливают при неуверенности что делать, при сконфуженности
- нервическое спазмы мускулов и нервов
- иногда-обратить на себя внимание
- иногда типа заикания: неконтролируемое
- как показатель работы мозга, сердца, систем тела.
- иногда типа эпилепсии припадка. как похоже на приступ эпилепсии: конкульсии тела.
- спазмы мышц
- спазмы нервов
- при сухости горла
- при излишней влажности горла
- показатель дискомфорта
- порой нервическое и от страха
- кашль напоминает лай собак Гав! Гав! Гав!  и может быть рудиментов от предков.


Я в силу этого режима изоляции, Коронавирус 19
и нас просили сидеть дома,

я и сидела дома.

И я заметила кое-что:

Моё здоровье значительно улутшилось
при системе   социальная дистанция 2 метра иль больше
или домашний режим:

у меня пропала

воспаление лёких
рстройства желудка
острые кишечные заболевания

Я использовала рекомендации:

закупала продукты в магазине
одевая маску на лицо
и ещё и резиновые-лактекс перчатки
что дезинфицировала спиртом
держать 2 метра дистанция

Принеся закупки - товары-продукты домой.
я следовала рекомендации


так как продукты упаковки
могут содержать

- вирусы
- инфекции
- бактерии
- грипки

особо если поверхность вдруг
имеет  жировое покрытие
(оно позникает и от если трогают руками
продукты питания: жировое соединение
с кожи человека остаётся на упаковках
потом туда могут цепляться бактерии).

Видео показало
как обезопасить себя и свои продукты с магазина.

Принеся домой,

начать обработку санизацию упаковок:

тут каждый делает по разному
в зависимости что имеет6

1. часть моют всё в растворе дезинфектор-отбеливатель и моющее средство:
снять жировое покрытие. потом в воде. потом сушат.

высушенное уже кладут на хренение

в холодильник и шкафы.

2.  есть и озонаторы:  О3 (Кислород)

Такие ящечки с платика.
Туда опускают  и внутри закрыв обрабатывают
подачей кислорода туда.

Кислород помогает убить массу всего
и дезинфектор.

3. есть ионизаторы
(типа палочка
или шкафы и там синяя лампа:
положил, закрыл.
потом вынул.

4. есть метод: просто горячая вода или холодная вода
и хорошо высушить.

5. есть метод:
не трогать, оставя как есть
на 14 дней 2 недели.
Вирусы тогда размнодаться не станут
А потом пользоваться.


6. Упаковка , где можно её снять: снимается.

Яблоки в упаковке?
Замороженная еда в упаковке? картонной?

все упаковки снимаются и выкидываются.

Если надо:  упаковка берётся своя.
Чистые мешочки пластика для заморозки (продуктов).

Тогда упаковка или просто сразу снимается
(можно руки в перчатках резиновых)

или вначале, на всяк случай,
дезинфецируется быстро слегка
в растворе с отбеливателем и пеномоющими.


Если обрабатывать так.

То в дом вирусы, бактрии, грбки не заносятся.

Это "чистый дом" "чистая кухня" "чистый воздух"


Ещё момент

Вирусы и бактерии развиваются:
им питание-среда-условия надо.

это температурный диапазон

от минус 8 минус 7 , до   60-70 градусов Цельсия,

с комфортной для размножения температурной планкой
внутри этого диапазона.

Отчего мы кипятим воду?
100 градусов Цельсия как дезинфектор и зезинфекция воды.


Есть приборы стимепры - парообработка сухим горячим паром.

Она тоже используется
обработка поверхностей
стол и все поверхности
кухни дома

обуви (там и ионизация)

порой стимерами дезинфицируют и товары купленные с магазина.

обдавая горячим паром.


Ежё комфорт развития вирусов бактерий

влажный воздух

Отчего использование
осушителей воздуха

на кухне и в доме

снижает скорости развития
нам не нужных
бактрий и вирусов и грибков
также и плесени


Питание для инфекций

жиры и бульоны
особо куринный бульон
в чащечках Петри

Т.е. на кухне нельзя
оставлять на столе
мясо, курицу, как мясо и бульоны:

хранить в герметичной упаковке
в холодильнике.

Часть хранят готовую еду порции
в заморозке.

Готовя для подаче
в микроволновке.

Тогда нет горячего тёлого бульона и прочего.


И вот

2019 - 2020 - 2021 года
при Коронавирусе,

начав обработку продуктов товаров
дистанция и маски

я впервые перестала иметь

воспаление лёгких
инфекционные лёгочные и простудные
инфекционные желудочного тракта

Изоляция как режим
убрала вероятные схемы
распорстранения вирусов и бактерий.

И я не болела и не кашляла.

Это было как Благодать.

3 часа ночи суббота 14ое августа 2021
проснулась стала кашлять
отхаркивалась - кровь там
ещё раз кашль отхаркивалась - кровь но следы слабее
ещё и потом - уже не было следов крови.

Звонила 111 НХС бесплатная государственная
британская система здравоохранения.

Это ночью: перепугалась сильно: кровь с горла.

Расспросили. Но симптомы прекратились
и я тест заказала.

Потом врач позвонила.
Вроде лучше.

Пришёл по почте доставлен на дом тест

Это не сделать чисто физически как они хотят.

А напоминает это типичный генетический тест забор ДНК
я делала: похоже.

Сделала. Отослала.

Кашль не такой сильный потом часть был. передышка.

Даже стихи-точнее нет: песенку спела на английском,
сама сочинила слова и мелодию на ходу:

The Song  on English by me, day 
Saturday, 14th August 2021.  UK, Nottinghamshire

You are...

You are
as a white cloud
on the sky

While a cloud is so high
and you
are near me and a wine

You are
as a glass of red wine
so strong bright attacks

But i
prefer my own
glass of red wine
not be disturbing

by a walking
red wine

14-08-2021. Великобритания. Ноттингемшире.
Перевод мой с моей песенки на английском и чуть дальше стихи дописала.

 Ты ...

как белое облако
на небе.

Только облака далеко от меня.

А ты рядом со мной,
и с бокалом
красного вина.

Как крепкое красное вино
в стеклянном бокале:
атакуешь и заводишь меня.

Но я предпочту
как я сам беру
стакан красного вина,

а не бегающее за мной
атакающее меня
красное вино
в дрожжащем

Я люблю тишину.
Я люблю право выбора.
Я не люблю
атак на меня.
Принуждений меня.
Унижений меня.

Частное - частное.
Личное - личное.
То только
между двумя

Не для показа

И ещё:
я не пьяница.

Я могу
от выпивки,

иль человека,
атакующего меня
как алкоголь говорящий

- Выпей же меня! Выпей же меня!


А я люблю чай с молоком,
воду и соки,
молочные коктейли,
они так нежны.

Не должны быть Леди и Джентельмены
Хуже вещей,
Для которых они созданы.

Каждая маленькая жизнь
Достойна уважения
И трепетной любви:
Серчишко то стучит.

Но и время то
Нашей жизни так ограничены:
Ты меня тут пойми.

Рождает ноги
От него убежать.

И только любовь настоящая,
Ей ничего не надо:
Она просто
Бережёт тебя.

Кто любит,
То не орёт громко
На тебя:
Тебя запугать,

Собаки, когда лают
И громко:
Тебя с их территории

Когда ты сидишь
В саду, отдыхаешь,
Не зная:

- До завтра ли доживёшь?

Так странно,
Ужасно и странно,
Прямо как собаки,

Готовые прыгнуть
К тебе в окно.

И один промолчит.
Другой послушно

Не даст тебе
На него напасть.

Чтобы не приучать
Собак поведению

Лаять на людей
И кричать

и пытаться
в чужую жизнь
натворить там бед.

Чтобы потом уйти,
Насмеявшись, наигравшись.
Или: зачем?

Часть, они,
Им скучно по жизни.
налетая на людей,
Как грехи
которые забивают: сломаться.
Или стать сильнее:  уйти.

By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

FRom English Internet side

21 Covid symptoms to look out for
Here is the full list of 21 symptoms to look out for according Prof Spector:

High temperature (fever)
Chills or shivers
Persistent cough
Loss or change of smell
Loss or change in taste
Unusual tiredness
Sore throat
Sudden confusion
Skin rash
Changes in the mouth or tongue
Covid fingers or toes
Shortness of breath
Chest pains
Muscle pains
Horse voice
Skipping meals
Abdominal pains
Runny nose

21 Симптомы Covid, на которые следует обратить внимание
Вот полный список из 21 симптома, на которые следует обратить внимание, по словам профессора Спектора:

Высокая температура (лихорадка)
Озноб или дрожь
Постоянный кашель
Потеря или изменение запаха
Потеря или изменение вкуса
Головная боль
Необычная усталость
Больное горло
Внезапное замешательство
Кожная сыпь
Изменения во рту или языке
Пальцы рук или ног с ковидом
Боли в груди
Мышечные боли
Хриплый голос
Пропуск приема пищи
Боли в животе

15th - 08 - 2021
No Coronavirus 2019.

But i have a couch any way, much better, but i have still.

NHS in UK ?England

NHS COVID-19 app: privacy notice
Updated 13 August 2021

Versions of this privacy notice
How the app will help you (digital contact tracing)
Data the app uses
What we ask of you
Our responsibilities
Further information
Print this page
This document supports the national rollout of the NHS COVID-19 app (the app) and will be subject to ongoing review and improvement.

The app supports the Test, Trace and Protect service in Wales and the Test and Trace service in England. We refer to this as the service in this privacy notice.

Versions of this privacy notice
This is the privacy notice for the NHS COVID-19 app.

For the privacy information for the NHS app, which allows users living in England to share their COVID-19 status for travel, please read About the NHS app.

Other versions of this document have also been produced:

summary of the privacy notice for young app users
easy read summary (an accessible overview)
Welsh language
You can read more information about the app and the service it supports:

Wales: Test, Trace and Protect
England: Test and Trace
data protection impact assessment (and supporting materials)
This privacy notice relates to the national rollout of a mobile application (app) developed to contribute towards the response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

The app is part of NHS Test and Trace which is overseen by the UK Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). The department is the data controller for the app.

We are working with partner health services in:

Northern Ireland
These ‘interoperability partners’ have created and maintain their own digital contact-tracing apps (like the NHS COVID-19 app). By working together, however, each provider can make sure that:

their digital contact-tracing apps continue to work across borders
when needed, you can continue to receive alerts in your digital contact-tracing app – for example, if you happen to be working in Scotland but are using the English and Welsh app
The app helps people manage their exposure to COVID-19 by informing those who are most at risk.

For more information on the definition of close contact see the description of the risk algorithm and the venue check-in section below for detail about venue alerts.

The app uses a risk algorithm which is continually improved and refined.

If you have not updated your app, you will be using the original digital contact tracing provided by Apple and Google (the GAEN Mode 1) and the associated risk algorithm.

If you are using the latest version of the app, you will be using the latest digital contact tracing (again provided by Apple and Google, GAEN Mode 2) and the latest risk algorithm.

Using the most up to date version of the app will ensure you use the app safely and benefit from the latest guidance and support, which may not be available on earlier versions. GAEN Mode 2 and the new risk algorithm includes several improvements that increase the accuracy of digital contact tracing in the app. To learn more see the description of the risk algorithm.

Read the section below on ‘Your symptoms and ordering a test’ for information about some of the limitations of the app.

You can support the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic by sharing information (on an anonymous basis) about whether the service and app are working as expected. For example, the data about testing and symptom checks helps NHS Test and Trace to understand how many people are booking a test or showing symptoms.

By using the app and sharing information, you will be making an important contribution to your community staying healthy and helping to save lives.

The app tracks the spread of the virus but does not track people. It provides important alert features that help manage risk and allows you to take appropriate action. The app also provides data which can help the government, the NHS and local services to better understand and manage the response to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

You can learn more about what we mean by terms such as ‘anonymous’ in our definitions and user data journey document.

This privacy notice is available in alternate formats including:

privacy notice for young app users (from 16 to 18)
easy read summary of the privacy information
In Welsh:

privacy notice for young app users (from 16 to 18) in Welsh
easy read summary of the privacy information in Welsh
How the app will help you (digital contact tracing)
The app is designed to make fast, accurate, digital contact tracing possible while protecting your privacy and identity. It uses the minimum amount of your personal data as possible.

Contact tracing depends on being able to determine when a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 could have become infected.

Manual contact tracing involves asking an infected person to remember who they have been in contact with; the person can only identify the people they know.

The app supports contact tracing through your phone, without needing to know anyone’s names or identities.

The app includes a notification feature which will alert you if:

you have been near another app user who tests positive for COVID-19
your local area has a changed risk status or, when appropriate, a variant of COVID-19 is identified as being of concern for your local area (these are called variants of concern)
you have visited a venue which later reports other positive cases while you were there
If you have these notifications switched on, the app will send reminders about notifications and alerts until they are acknowledged.

If you test positive, the app will ask you to allow those you’ve been in contact with to be alerted. It uses technology developed by Apple and Google called ‘exposure notification’ and ‘exposure logging’ to do this. The people notified will not know who you are. See the section on digital contact tracing for details of these terms and the process.

The app also allows you to:

view the current risk in your local area and whether there is a variant of concern in your area
where available, scan and keep a personal record of all venues where you ‘checked-in’ using the official NHS QR code poster
check your symptoms in line with the latest public health advice at the GOV.UK website
count down, if relevant, remaining days for self-isolation
when prompted to get the latest public health advice about self-isolation:
declare that you are fully vaccinated (if you are)
declare that you are under the age of 18 (if you are)
order a test, via a link to the GOV.UK website
add your test result to the app with an NHS-provided code
apply for financial support via the isolation payment service
We do not take any steps to verify the age or vaccine status information you input into the app. You are responsible for the accuracy of the information you provide. The advice provided by the app will be updated in line with your declaration. It is therefore important you provide accurate information to ensure you are provided with the appropriate advice, as your failure to do so could put yourself and others at risk.

In England, the self-isolation payment can only be applied for if an app user has received an alert to isolate, based on contact with someone who has tested positive. Applying for a support payment places you under a legal obligation to self-isolate. You will still be under this legal obligation even if you are not deemed eligible for the payment

Data the app uses
The app has been designed to use as little information and personal data as possible. All data that could directly identify you is only held on your phone, is never stored centrally, and is not shared anywhere else.

Any data that is provided from the phone will always be anonymised or aggregated, to prevent the NHS (or anyone else) from identifying you or others. This is referred to as the analytical data set.

You can read more about how we protect data through anonymisation.

After first installing the app, instructions will be presented to you about enabling permissions for the app to function. This includes:

turning on your Bluetooth settings (if not already on)
entering the first part of your postcode (up to the space)
selecting the relevant local authority
allowing notifications
Bluetooth is necessary because the app calculates how near app users are to each other by evaluating the strength of each phone’s Low Energy Bluetooth signal.

The first part of your postcode before the space (the postcode district) is necessary to help you select your local authority.

Providing your postcode district allows the app to:

provide the most relevant local authorities for the user to select
tell you about the current risk level in your area
detail advice or services specific to your postcode district or local authority, such as additional testing in the near vicinity
allowing notifications ensures that you receive the alerts as outlined above. Notifications can be turned off at any time via your phone settings.
Digital contact tracing
When you download the app to your phone, a code will be generated which will identify the app’s existence on your device.

This code changes every day (a ‘diagnosis key’), so that it cannot be associated with you or your phone.

Your app produces another randomly generated code every 15 minutes (known as ‘the broadcast code’). The broadcast code is collected by the app installed on other users’ phones when you come into close contact with them and is held there for 14 days. There is no way for another user to tell that a broadcast code collected from your phone relates to you or your phone.

Digital contact tracing is providing by Apple and Google, who use the term “Exposure Notification” to “Exposure Logging” to describe:

the sharing of these codes between app users
retaining those details for a period where you may be at risk of infection
when appropriate, ensuring that a notification can be generated by the app
For example, if you receive a positive test result for COVID-19, the app will ask for your permission to make diagnosis keys available to other app users. These keys cover the period you may have passed on COVID-19 and allow other app users to be alerted. The app will also remind you to share your keys for a limited period.

If you agree, your diagnosis keys will be uploaded to the central system (the DHSC secure computing infrastructure, hosted on Amazon Web Services [AWS] UK). The central system will then add your diagnosis keys to the list provided to every app user’s phone. Each user’s app will check for any matches between the broadcast codes and diagnosis keys in the list.

The app uses complex cryptography to protect you and other app users’ anonymity while enabling diagnosis keys to be matched with a relevant broadcast code when relevant. Where there are matches, you will get an alert that you’ve been in contact with someone who tested positive. The central system does not know who you have been in contact with and it doesn’t record any matches.

Details about the federated servers that support working with partner health service digital contact-tracing apps can be found in the interoperability section below.

While it is unlikely ever to happen, you should be aware that there are some circumstances in which another person might be able to identify that you were the person who had tested positive when they receive an alert. For example, if an app user had only been in contact with you and no one else, they would be able to infer who the infected person was when they received an alert. Digital and manual contact tracing both incur this risk.

If you have been in close proximity to other users who have tested positive, the app uses automated processing to advise you to take appropriate actions. This will take account of factors such as the duration of time you spent with other users and how near you were to them. Read more about how this risk-scoring algorithm works.

The app is routinely updated to account for the latest government public health advice.

As part of updating the app to account for the latest advice, if you receive an exposure notification, the app will then prompt you to enter your age (if you are under 18) or your vaccine status. This information is private to you. By declaring your vaccine status or age, the advice provided to you within the app may change.

We use your declaration to:

update the advice displayed in-app
ensure that the app is working correctly
validate the public health impacts and insights from the app
The app reminds users that they can phone NHS 111 (get medical help) or NHS 119 (NHS COVID-19 emergency helpline) if they would like to discuss any advice to self-isolate. It is appropriate to call NHS 111 or NHS 119 if you have any questions or concerns about your circumstances, what the alert means for you or what you need to do next (including whether it is appropriate to obtain a test).

For those under the age of 18, the app advises the app user to speak to an appropriate adult. See:

guidance about COVID-19 from the NHS in England
guidance about COVID-19 from the NHS in Wales
The app also includes a countdown timer (to manage any remaining time for self-isolation), and further information and support to help when self-isolating.

Learning about and improving digital contact tracing
The digital contact-tracing technology used in the NHS COVID-19 app is provided by Apple and Google. This technology is known as the ‘Google Apple Exposure Notification system’ (or ‘GAEN’). GAEN, operating systems and data available from this system are constantly being refined.

These updates change the data that can be collected. They also make additional data items available which can help understand and manage public health.

GAEN can provide measurements around the interactions of users. For example, when you update your status in the app with a positive COVID-19 test result (and share your diagnosis keys), GAEN helps the app generate data to understand the level of risk of infection for other app users.

If you have interacted with another app user who has shared their status, the app will measure:

a measure of time
a measure of distance
the basis and calculation of risk
From these details, the app uses a scoring mechanism to determine the app user’s level of risk of getting COVID-19 as a result of close contact with an app user who may be infectious. If the risk of infection is significant, the app will issue an alert.

Without identifying either you or other app users, these measurements are sent to the DHSC secure computing infrastructure along with any self-declared vaccine status. This is separate to the analytical data set, detailed in the ‘data the app uses’ section above, but aligns with the same security and privacy standards.

Measurements include the approximate distance and duration of interactions, with the risk score that is calculated. The data collected covers a 30-minutes time frame.

Your use of the app can never be monitored, and any data collected about you will not be used to identify you.

The collected information is used to:

assess if the risk algorithm used is working
understand if the risk score (calculated from interactions) accurately reflects the risk of COVID-19
make sure the risk threshold is working as intended and set at an appropriate level
benefit public health by learning and improving the app and services performance and advice
This data collected includes all exposure windows that are above the current risk threshold and a sample of those exposure windows that fall below. This enables the performance and behaviour of the app to be validated and monitored.

Your symptoms and ordering a test
The app allows you to:

check your symptoms
review appropriate advice
order a test (in line with wider COVID-19 government advice)
self-declare your age (if under 18) and vaccine status
receive test results
review guidance on what to do next
Any information you enter into the symptom checker will be processed by the app and not shared with anyone else unless you chose to do so.

Entering relevant symptoms of COVID-19 into the app will trigger a recommendation to self-isolate.

If the app advises you to take a COVID-19 test, the app provides a link to GOV.UK to book a test. The website will open in a new window. This website will collect your contact details (in order to be able to provide the test) but this information will not be shared with the app.

The app seeks to provide you with the latest testing and isolation policy in England and Wales, as determined by the local authority you enter. The app will also look to provide you with the latest advice and information on self-isolation based on your test result, your test type and, if applicable, will recommend a follow-up or confirmatory test.

Please note: There are and will continue to be instances where the app is not fully aligned with current testing and isolation policy (for instance, due to a recent change in policy or due to technical reasons). The app is advisory and if you have any questions regarding the information you receive on the app, then you can contact NHS 111, NHS 119 or visit the links in the app and in this Privacy Notice for the latest advice and guidance.

When a new testing scheme begins the app will provide you with the latest information and details. For example, these details include testing sites in your area and where to learn more about the particular scheme.

For more information about COVID-19 testing guidance in England and Wales, visit:

COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection
Getting tested for coronavirus (COVID-19)
Coronavirus (COVID-19): getting tested
Testing for coronavirus in Wales
Testing for coronavirus in Wales (in Welsh)
Booking a test via the app will generate a test code that will allow you to link your test result to the app automatically. If you test positive the app will ask you to share your diagnosis key (see Digital Contact Tracing above) with other app users. The test codes that link your test result to your app are only held in the DHSC secure computing infrastructure for long enough to send your app your test result. The test codes are deleted within 48 hours.

Where there are additional testing options for your area, the app will provide details about how to apply for a test including a link for more information.

The app is regularly updated with the latest information about testing policy and options.

Updating your test status in the app
Where you do not use the app to book your test, if you are issued with a code, you can manually enter this into the app to update the app with your test result.

The app will ensure you are provided with the appropriate advice about your isolation start dates. It will ask for additional details when necessary. For example, about when you started displaying symptoms.

If you enter symptoms after taking a test, the app will provide you with guidance about your isolation period.

If you test positive for COVID-19, the app will prompt you to share your diagnosis keys and enable the alert process detailed above.

The app aims to provide you with the latest advice, guidance and information on COVID-19, based on the information provided. This includes testing options, information for your area and isolation information. If you require further information or wish to check any advice, you can always seek further advice from:

NHS 111
NHS 119
Or visit:

for England
for Wales
If you have concerns about the advice you receive, see ‘the advisory nature of the app and automated individual decision-making including profiling’ section below about the steps you may take.

Venue check-in
When you use venue check-in for the first time, it will ask you for permission to use the camera on your device in order to ‘check in’ to venues. These are venues which display an official NHS COVID-19 app QR code poster.

If you check into a venue, information will be stored on your phone as a record of the visit, which can be reviewed at any time over a rolling 21-day period.

The information captured by the QR scan will include details of the venue, including its postcode, and the time of your visit. These details are only stored on your phone.

When a venue is identified as high risk by public health officials, it is added to the reference list provided to all app users. Your app checks to see if you have checked in to any of these venues during a time when it may pose a risk of infection. When you are at risk of infection, the app will issue an alert. If you have any symptoms or feel unwell at the time of the alert or in the following days, you should use the symptoms checker which may advise you to book a test.

A venue alert functionality has no link to self-isolation payment eligibility.

You will also be able to use your venue check-in to remind you where you have been and to identify the specific venue, if you are talking to a contact tracer or providing details to the Contact Tracing Advisory service after testing positive.

Unless you choose to disclose this information, this information is private to you and will not be shared with anyone else. You have the option to delete this information at any time by removing either the whole record, or record of individual venues from the list held on your phone.

Isolation support payment
The Isolation Support Payment function allows you to trigger the process to explore if you are eligible to receive the isolation support payment.

This is applicable when you are advised to isolate due to being in close contact with another app user, who has tested positive for COVID-19.

If you choose to apply for financial support, the app will take you to a website to complete the necessary details.

Residents of England can find out more about the scheme via the Test and Trace Support Payment website. You will need an NHS Login to progress through the financial support eligibility process. If you do not have one, you will be given the opportunity to create one during the process. More information about the NHS Login can be found on the NHS Login website.

Residents of Wales can find out more about the scheme via the self-isolation support scheme website and self-isolation support scheme website in Welsh.

Helping the public health response
When you use the app you will be helping your community stay healthy and save lives by sharing important information about COVID-19 in your region and how well the service and the app is working. The app supports this in the background by sending anonymous information about how the functions of the app are being used to NHS Test and Trace. This is called the analytical data set.

Sharing this information is an essential part of the contribution you make to the public health response when you download and use the app. This data helps the NHS actively research, manage, plan and respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency across the country and in your local area.

The data shared by you to support the public health response is subject to routine review and may be updated.

This can be because of:

changes made by Apple and Google to their digital contact tracing technology and phone operating systems (iOS and Android)
our improvements to the app, support for other functions and options for app users
what we learn about COVID-19 and the public health response
All of these changes must meet the standards set for the app. They are strictly necessary for the purposes of the app and your use of it.

This information is also important to ensure the app is safe to use – providing accurate, consistent and effective public health-related advice, information and support to app users.

You can read more about what information on your phone is used for these purposes in the section ‘compliance with the Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations’ below.

To learn more about how aggregate data from the app supports the work of NHS Test and Trace see their privacy notice.

The app provides a public dashboard based on aggregated data. You can select local authorities in England or Wales to display the relevant information. There is a link to display details in Welsh.

Working with health services in Gibraltar, Jersey, Northern Ireland and Scotland
The app can work with other digital contact tracing apps to help break transmission of COVID-19, this is called interoperability.

We are working with partner health services in Gibraltar, Jersey, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. They use digital contact tracing apps through which interoperability will continue to allow app users to be alerted should they cross borders in these locations.

Digital contact tracing is supported across these locations by sharing (with the app user’s permission) the anonymous diagnosis keys for app users who have tested positive for COVID-19.

All partners use digital contact tracing apps based on Apple and Google’s Exposure Notification system (GAEN). GAEN prevents app users from being known to each other and protects your privacy from NHS Test and Trace, the DHSC and government.

How interoperability works
A positive test result for COVID-19 will trigger the app to ask for your permission to share diagnosis keys with other app users. With your permission, we will share these codes to allow users across England and Wales as well as Gibraltar, Jersey, Northern Ireland and Scotland to be alerted when needed.

We only share the diagnosis keys with partner health services. The diagnosis key is part of the Apple and Google functionality and no health service can identify an individual from these codes.

By only using the diagnosis keys, all partners keep app users anonymous from each other. We only share diagnosis keys to enable partner health service apps to appropriately alert app users.

Every partner uses a secure federated server to send and receive the codes. The servers do not know who you were in contact with and do not record any contact matches. To support the service and help app users receive alerts when appropriate, the interoperability service captures data to ensure the service is working as expected. No data that could identify app users is shared.

This contact matching only occurs on the app on your phone.

Working with other health services does not change the way each app works. It does ensure that you get the alerts you should get, regardless of which partner app your contacts are using.

Working together
Interoperability is governed by an agreement between all participating partners. As other countries release similar apps, more agreements may be reached to share diagnosis keys, enabling users of the NHS COVID-19 app to use it when visiting other countries.

We will add new partners where we can demonstrate continued benefits to app users whilst maintaining the protections to their identity.

The ability for app users who travel to receive alerts and enable others to receive alerts if they test positive is important to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Your personal data
‘Personal Data’ is a term defined in law.

The following types of data are considered ‘personal data’ when they are on your phone, because they are being stored on a phone that is registered to you personally:

the postcode district you provide when you install the app
the local authority you select when the app prompts you
the symptom information you enter onto the app
your self-declared vaccine status and (if under 18) age declaration
the QR codes of the venues that you scan into the app
the types of codes described above (being diagnosis keys and broadcast codes), which are generated every day and every 15 minutes respectively for contact tracing purposes
The app has been designed to ensure that before data moves out of your phone and enters the DHSC secure computing infrastructure (see below) that there is no way of telling that it came from your phone, or that it relates to you.

If you request a test code and obtain a test result, this information will be personal data both when it is on your phone and when held within the central DHSC systems. We have introduced significant technical controls to prevent this data being linked to an individual. The test code is deleted within 48 hours once it has allowed the correct test result to get to the correct app user.

DHSC has established strict controls of security, access and systems to monitor and restrict who can have access to this information and prevent anyone from being able to identify you. This is the same for any app user seeking a test and updating their status in the app.

The status of your data
The data held on your app is considered personal data but is only accessible to you.

Data within the app’s analytical data set has all direct identifiers removed and we aim to make your use of the app anonymous. For example, the IP address is removed and is not retained at any point.

The data items within the data set are a summary or count, apart from your area, test results and the technical details.

These technical details include:

device model
operating system version
the NHS COVID-19 application version being used on the phone
The analytical data set supports:

technical evaluation
public health
See our user data journeys for more detail.

What we ask of you
As a user of the app we ask you to:

download the app and use it daily
always keep the app ‘on’ and carry your phone when you are able to
consider the information, guidance and advice the app provides
if asked, use the venue check-in function to scan QR codes for venues you visit
‘pause’ contact tracing by the app when appropriate
enter symptoms and take a test quickly when advised to
self-isolate (as we expect of everyone) if you test positive for COVID-19
If you test positive for COVID-19 the app will ask you to provide your diagnosis keys (digital contact tracing). This allows us to ensure all app users are provided with information that allows their app to alert them when appropriate.

The app will ask you to do these things, but it will not compel you in any way and no one will know anything about your personal use of the app. It does not record or track where you or other app users are (for example, at home or in a public space). The app does not identify you or your location to other app users (or, as noted above, the government).

You can delete the app at any time, you can also choose to delete the data held on the app or just individual venues you checked into. If you delete venue details you will not receive relevant alerts about that venue.

Currently, resetting your postcode district within the app results in venue and other details being deleted.

Our responsibilities
We will adhere to our legal responsibilities. The legal basis for processing your personal data under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 law is:

UK GDPR Article 6(1)(e) – the processing is necessary for the performance of its official tasks carried out in the public interest in providing and managing a health service
UK GDPR Article 9(2)(g) – the processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest in the basis set out in Part 2 of Schedule 1 of the Data Protection Act 2018 (para 6 (Statutory and government purposes))
UK GDPR Article 9(2)(h) – the processing is necessary for medical diagnosis, the provision of health treatment and management of a health and social care system
UK GDPR Article 9(2)(i) – the processing is necessary for reasons of public interest in the area of public health
DPA 2018 – Schedule 1, Part 1, Section 2(2)(f) – the management of health care systems or services
DPA 2018 – Schedule 1, Part 1, Section 3 – public health purposes
We will continue to develop the app following the Information Commissioner’s (ICO) contact tracing principles.

You can delete the app at any time and/or turn off notifications. If you choose to delete the app, you will not receive any notifications (alerts) from the app about COVID-19 and the data stored by the app on your phone will be deleted. If you decide to install the app again, you will need to provide the requested information again.

We will never share your personal data without your permission, and we will only process it as described in this privacy notice.

Under Article 22 of UK GDPR, we considered whether the app uses Automated Decision Making (ADM) as part of its processing of data. We consider that it does not but have complied with the legal and policy framework around Automated Decision Making and will continue to do so. We are taking all steps required to comply with these requirements.

There is more information in the Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) prepared for the app by the DHSC.

You can find our Appropriate Policy Documentation (APD) setting out what special categories of personal data we process and why. We explain why we process this data while protecting your privacy. More detail can be found in our DPIA.

Compliance with the Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations (PECR)
The app requires access to data stored on your phone and stores data on your phone. Regulation 6 of PECR governs how we access this data. This is only accessed and shared when strictly necessary to provide those services delivered by the app. These are further explained below.

Function: all features
In order for the app features set out in the rest of this privacy notice to function safely, we need to collect the following information from your phone:

phone model
operating system version
app version number
completion of onboarding
storage usage
data download usage
usage status
We need to know this information in case any features of the app do not function correctly on specific phone models or operating systems, so we can quickly remedy the issue and/or alert relevant users. This is necessary to ensure the app provides the working functionality you need to stay safe.

We also need to validate that you are using an up to date version of the app and have completed the onboarding process. This is necessary to ensure you are using the app safely and have the benefit of the latest guidance and support the app offers.

We need to know the storage and data download usage that the app is using. This is necessary to ensure the app is able to function and not using disproportionate amounts of storage or data.

We also need to validate that the app is properly receiving updates from our systems. We do this every 2 hours to ensure you have access to real time risk information. This is necessary to ensure you have access to the latest safety information.

In addition, the data items are used to ensure the core functionality is working as expected across devices and platforms. These include:

contact tracing
venue check-in
symptom tracker
isolation status and reason
where relevant, self-declared vaccine status and age (if under 18)
test ordering, status and process
isolation support payments
The app collects data items to enable these functions to be monitored and validated. See the data protection impact assessment and data dictionary for more detail. This is aimed at ensuring that the app is operating:

Where we are unable to resolve issues in the app using the data items detailed above, we will temporarily collect a technical data set to allow us to identify and fix those issues.

We will restrict the data collected to the relevant platform, operating system, version of the app or other technical category which appear to be causing issues. For example, we may collect crash reports generated by your phone if you are using a version of the app which is not working properly.

The data set is submitted to the app’s dedicated area in the DHSC secure computing infrastructure and only used to resolve these issues. For more information see the app’s data protection impact assessment.

Function: medical device efficacy and safety requirements
The app constitutes a medical device. To support accreditation as a medical device we are required to collect analytical data relating to:

symptom questionnaire results
isolation status
swab test status
This information is necessary to ensure that the medical features of the app are working properly – for example we routinely cross check swab test result levels with our isolation advice to ensure the app’s isolation advice is functioning correctly.

Function: check in to a venue
This function does not require any data to be collected in addition to that listed above (‘Your Personal data’ section).

Function: symptom checker
Any symptoms you provide using the app are collected to support the decision on the advice you will receive in-line with the medical device efficacy.

Function: isolation countdown
Any self-declared status you provide using the app is collected to assess the suggested self-isolation time.

Function: digital contact tracing
For the contact tracing functions within the app to operate effectively we need to validate that the level of alerts users receive are consistent with the wider risk environment. To calibrate the alert system in this way, it is necessary to have access to the following information:

relevant area (either postal district or local authority)
exposure events
pause button usage
Function: public health response
The following information allows us and public health authorities to learn more about the virus and its transmission and take effective measures to manage the response to the COVID-19 public health emergency:

relevant area (either postal district or local authority)
exposure events
QR check-ins
symptom questionnaire results
isolation status and reason
where relevant, self-declared vaccine status and age (if under 18)
isolation support payments
test status, test type and test process including confirmatory testing
exposure notification, reminders and pause button usage
By way of example, having information about exposure events within an area will help us identify and manage areas of increasing risk around the country and to see if exposure events are happening at the expected levels. Information about use of the pause button helps our understanding of how the function is being used and how it is impacting on exposure events and the risk of infection.

The provision of this information constitutes the valued contribution you will be making to the COVID-19 public health emergency response when you choose to download and use the app.

Data collected by DHSC to support these functions will be uploaded regularly from the app to a dedicated analytical area as explained in the following section. All data in the analytical area will be held in a format that does not identify an individual app user.

The DHSC secure computing infrastructure
The app is supported by a central DHSC secure computing infrastructure. The DHSC secure computing infrastructure only processes data that is confirmed as anonymised as it enters the infrastructure. The exception to this (if you start your test request journey in the app) is a test code and test results, which are held briefly as noted above.

Data in this DHSC secure computing infrastructure will be made available only to individuals that have been formally authorised to access it. Information will only be able to be transferred from this DHSC secure computing infrastructure to another system if appropriate, and after an updated Data Protection Impact Assessment has been carried out.

The test codes that link your test result to your app are only held in the DHSC secure computing infrastructure for long enough to send your app your test result. The test codes are deleted within 48 hours.

We have put in place organisational safeguards to ensure separation between all technical data that is used to check the app is working and the analytical data which can only be used for approved public health purposes. With these controls, monitoring and safeguards in place we conclude that the risk to data privacy of an app user being identified by a combination of factors (e.g. phone model and operating system, plus postcode district), would be negligible to non-existent.

Any use of data and information generated or collected by the app will comply with Data Protection law and the Common Law Duty of Confidentiality (where applicable).

Retention of data
Data held in the DHSC secure computing infrastructure will not contain direct, indirect or consistent identifiers. This means that the retention of this data should not be considered within the legal context of UK GDPR/data protection. However, limits for the retention of data sets and records need to be set even where the data does not constitute personal data. This applies to the analytical data explained above.

Retention of records associated with the app is likely to fall into 2 categories. These categories are records which are used to:

hold organisations to account and are held for 8 years
monitor communicable diseases, for example in the COVID-19 public health emergency, and are retained for 5 years (if they contain personal data which is not the case in this instance) and 20 years for anonymous data, prior to any review
Retention of these records is governed by the relevant Section 46 Code of Practice, Public Records Act and statutory duties of the organisation accountable (DHSC).

Most data is retained only on the user’s phone. Diagnosis keys (the ones used for contact tracing) are retained on the user’s phone for 14 days and are then deleted (14 days is the incubation period for the virus). The self-declared status is kept for the period set out in the ‘retention of data’ section below.

Submitted diagnosis keys are retained on the DHSC secure computing infrastructure for 14 days and then deleted. So, the maximum age of a daily code that has been distributed to the DHSC secure computing infrastructure is 28 days. For self-declarations, the app will retain a note that you self-declared for the relevant isolation period plus the 14 days. This enables the app to continue giving relevant advice.

The test codes that link your test result to your app are deleted within 48 hours.

The self-isolation payment token is deleted once the CTAS application is started. It is expected this will occur within 24 hours, however, deletion is dependent on how quickly the user moves through the process. If they do not progress for any reason and therefore do not reach the CTAS application stage, the token will be deleted within 14 days.

QR codes that are scanned by the user when visiting venues are automatically deleted after 21 days. The choice of 21 days takes into account the 14-day incubation period, and the infectious period of the virus.

The retention settings will follow the latest government advice and therefore may increase or decrease.

Your rights under the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR
By law, you have a number of individual rights, such as the right to know what personal data is held about you. You can ask an organisation for copies of your personal information verbally or in writing. This is called the right of access and is commonly known as making a Subject Access Request or ‘SAR’. However, these rights are mostly only available when the data controller (in this case DHSC) holds information that can identify you. As the app is designed to prevent DHSC being able to identify you, DHSC may not be able to respond positively to any requests for access to personal data, or any other rights you may wish to make to us directly.

You may however readily access personal data held on your phone, as there is a feature on the app that allows users to view the data held on the app. You can also exercise your right to object and be forgotten by removing the app, deleting the data held by the app, or deleting the list of individual venues you have visited within the app itself.

As the app user is not identifiable within the DHSC secure computing infrastructure, we have aimed to provide you with functionality within the app where-ever possible. Once data is received by app’s DHSC infrastructure we ensure that app users cannot be identified.

The advisory nature of the app and automated individual decision-making including profiling
Any notifications provided through the app are advisory only. If you have any concerns about the app’s advice to self-isolate or seek a test, you are advised to contact NHS 111, NHS 119 or appropriate healthcare professional who will be able to provide you with the appropriate information.

As noted above, the app makes every effort to provide advice that is in line with the latest testing and isolation policy. There are, however, limited circumstances in which the app may generate advice (automatically) that differs from current policy in England or Wales or is specific to app users.

We continually assess these circumstances and assess how best to address them. As part of this assessments, we consider the latest public health advice and policy to determine the priorities of the app’s development and where appropriate, introduce mitigating measures for any potential negative impacts.

We always consider the primary objective of the app – to reduce the spread of COVID-19, as part of our assessments.

In addition to our ongoing work to improve the app, we take the following steps to ensure the latest advice is provided to users:

Ensure on screen advice includes links and support
The app provides a link to our frequently asked questions pages
Provide information on support provided by NHS Test and Trace, in England
Provide information on support proved by Test, Trace, Protect in Wales
Right of access and requests for information
You can always access your data in the app. Further information about ‘Managing my data’ can be found in the frequently asked questions. An equivalent for the Welsh service can be found at this frequently asked questions website.

Right to be forgotten
You can choose to delete the app and the data it contains.

Right to object
You can choose to delete the app, the data it contains or specific venues.

Other data subject rights
The right to data portability does not apply as the lawful basis is not consent or a contract. See the DPIA for more detail. The right to rectification and restriction of processing is not available as we cannot identify app user’s data within the DHSC infrastructure.

Your rights
Information about your rights and how to use them is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Please note that the DHSC secure computing infrastructure does not hold any personal data about app users, except for any test codes and test results. It will not be possible to inform app users about their test code and result because it would require DHSC to collect further information and personal data just in order to satisfy this right. It would also undermine the privacy protection afforded to this data for the limited time that it is stored in the cloud.

If you are unhappy or wish to complain about how your information is used as part of this app, you should first contact the DHSC Data Protection Officer (DPO) to resolve your issue (see DPO section). If you remain unhappy, you can complain to the ICO.

Further information
If you would like more detailed information about the app, you can find this in the Data Protection Impact Assessment created for the app.

For more general information about COVID-19, please go to GOV.UK/coronavirus.

Data Controller
A ‘Data Controller’ is the organisation that is legally responsible for deciding how and for what reason a user’s personal data is processed. For the NHS COVID-19 app, the Data Controller is the government Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC). Data Controllers have a ‘Data Protection Officer’ who acts as a contact point for questions about your data. Details of DHSC’s Data Protection Officer can be found at the end of this information.

The app is being overseen by NHS Test and Trace, which is part of DHSC. DHSC has contracts or agreements with some other organisations that provide services in developing or supporting the app. The ones that will be processing personal data are:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) which hosts the central system (cloud server) that supports the app
The Health Informatics Service (THIS), which is hosted by the Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust. THIS provides the ‘NPEx’ system which provides test results to the app (using the test code unique to the app)
These organisations can only work under instruction from DHSC and cannot use information they process for any other purposes.

These organisations’ details can be found in the DPIA.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)
The DHSC Data Protection Officer for DHSC is Lee Cramp, who can be contacted by sending an email to

Security of your information
The system gives a high level of privacy protection, as the app does not collect or transfer any information that tells us who or where you are. This also means it cannot tell the NHS, people and organisations who have contributed to the development of the app, or any other app user, who or where you are.

In addition to the protections already explained above, we have implemented and maintain the necessary technical and organisational security measures, and policies and procedures.

These are designed to reduce the risk of:

the deliberate or accidental destruction of data
the loss of data
unauthorised access to or disclosure of the information collected by the app
This includes:

limiting access to those who can support the management of the app
using secure, privacy preserving methods when details are shared between app users (see the ‘Digital contact tracing’ section above
Other privacy notices
Privacy notices relating to other parts of the NHS Test and Trace Programme:

testing privacy notice
privacy notice for early adopter trial
contact tracing privacy notice
PHE COVID-19 privacy information
venue logs
Test and Trace: overarching privacy notice
Relevant information for isolation support payments
NHS Test and Trace, contact tracing (CTAs) privacy notice
NHS Login


So,  no enough
to wear a mask / to keep a social distance
/ to order Coronavirus Covi 19     PCR  Test  on Coronavirus  *** which really some
similar to DNA Genetic tests

NHS started their activity  to make UK  as ghetto style of concentration army military styles.

When British Citizen tried to have any help from a "free" NHS,
they may have the "deaf" response
from people whom follow just  ORDERS OF POLITICS  IN POWER in UK


-  1933 - 1945  , hundreds  MURDERED  CIVILIANS IN EUROPE

In UK,

when a pacient NHS came to see  own  GP,
here may be

1. a barrier  to see own GP as a barrier of a workers in registrature of surgary:
- Sorry, no left appoitments for today already! Let try to make a call tomorrow at early morning!

= this closed the access to any medical help or advices as plenty NHS pacients reported they could not pass a barrier  of  "sorry, there are not left a free appoitment for today already!

with extras on this:  to listen some workers of registrature had find a free appointment of day or any day on a week   to someone else  whom called, making the sorting pacients  of NHS  by some measures (a working career place, the income, ...) (the Ethnic Group / race/age)

So,  your GP may not able to see you as your attempt to see own GP for advices had been barrier by staff of registratures.

2. Or, the staff of registratures started ... to atempt to replace GP (professional medical Doctors with Licence) by questiones: why do you need to see your GP today (any)? what symptoms or problem do you have?  , ---  to work as a staff of registrature, people educated in a Bussness Administration to work to pick calls, to work with files, with PC software computer system, --  they had not a qualification of  GP as a Medical qualification as a Medical Doctors at all, and they had not a LICENCE to work as GP too.

You would like to talk privatly with own GP, the staff of registrature of surgery closed you to be seen by own GP, trying to replace GO by them, - by the Bussness-Administration staff, whom were bening not educated and licenced as  any medical cvalification as GP.Nurse to have rights to discuss any medical problems of pacients with pacients (some tried to do this still openly publicly).

3.  So,  staff whom were not a medical practitions at all,  took a real practical power in UK in NHS system.

4. What is mean these NHS app?  this a tracing system with a posiility people may killed  as their ID  seen on a scanner of mobile,  - they may been just traced and killed, they may be ordered to kill for organs, they may be killed by criminals, they may be "Pokemon" in "Pokemon" games of youngers.

5. Yes, this is "a private". "no names" "just the some code as ID code of a person" "which visual seen traced

6. I sit down inside  my private long big flat. I have my neighbours  above me, after walls, and people working on street.

7. The system may measure distance of them to me as  "contacted" while we are physically in different areas with  dividers of floors, cellings, walls in different ventilation system as air.
as a person inside of home not contact with air of any walker on street closed to his-her windows.

8. I noticed strange. Some people started "to run to knowns to make a closed contact" "to be seen on mobile trace screens"  -  this means some may play game (on orders or own) to traces someone to "contact" especially as a game. But soon they saw you have not a mobile NHS tracker, - they had stopped to move to you, as you are out their game "Pokemon"  on people.

9. Some played "Pokemon" on people, walking tracing humans by their mobile trackers for NHS app

10. But more worse.  I had before NOTE7  mobile for a while as a replacement and i used  their 
TRACER  and SCANNER   for   WI-FI /Bluetooth  Electronic devices:

these programs scanner picked  "private" "anonimious"    ID  - MAC    of   my neibours  (above me/after a wall/walkers closed to  my flat )


M - Moderna

VM - Vaccinated Moderna
AZ - Vaccinated Astra Zeneka

Holland (number)

So,  my neighbours where not in my flat and home, in their own homes/flats,
and  I SAW  their  move by  NOTE7  mobile screen
Scanner   for  Wi-Fi / Bluetooth

No names? No names.  Just the some ID (MAC) seen  by electronic scanner

I did this as i saw  videos from USA/Italy on youtibe
people shared their experiences :
a man came to a room:   his TV set wicked his "ID" as "MAC" of  electronic equipment
and put this on a screen of TV to ask "to link to a new local electronic device" (this man).
* this video on Youtuve: he had been vaccinated to open to find this changes
that he had been  chip-ed to be "the electronic device with his unique Mac address" while was a human.

The woman worked in Italy ato make excursions for tourists in Vatican and Italy.
She shaw the screen of her mobile with Scanner programs for wife-Bluetooth electronic devices,
as a Radar Scanner :   we saw  people walked near as seen as a walking electronic devices
"with thei unique ID=MAC address of electronic devices",  the scanner radar traced any move, a directions and still sent  each  ID = MAC +GPS coordinates to some DATABASE COLLECTOR.

This mean each had been seem traced.

Of cource, you may not know the name and a surname of your neighbour, i do not know each by names,
but you easy lean to memorise their "Uniquc ID numbers".

Some people started enjoy to spy (openly or hidden) - for their neighbours lives, walkers, just<
some play to trace humans as POKEMON GAME.

What this mean?  The order of type of a controlled traced open life as type of MILIRAY  PRISON GHETTO CONCENTRATION CAMP  (in UK)  .

Any person has own body to decide what to do as a personnel individual choice.

This body is NOT a property  of some "NHS "  or British Govertment Political Leaders in Power to order to others what to do or what not?

1st,  they  asked your PERMISSION  to take YOUR ORGANS from you WHEN YOU WILL DIE.
2nd,  they, NHS, had changed rules-instructions NOT ASK THE PERMISSION TO EXTRACT ORGANS from died bodies as TO DO AUTOMATIC in British Hospitals   IF you  do not  signed the official letter   I DO NOT GIVE MY PERMISSION  TO USE MY (MINE) DIED BODY as donors of human tissies, organs, etc. My body is my body. My body if not your property.
3d. They moved to change 2nd by asking pacient to sign a papers to provide all acccess to a living/died bodies to be used by NHS rules-instructions from British Politics in Power in UK or just "the bussness offers to NHS to earn money".
4rd. People disliked this, -  NHS Started  to push the ABSOLUTE DOMINANT CRUEL RUDE power  of NHS INSTRUCTIONS/RULES/ORDERS FROM BRITISH GOVERTMENT TO THEM on a FULL CONTROL ACCESS humans bodies:  the location , --   this way to treat  British Citizens UK  as   CRIMINALS and PRISONERS , -
look,   any prisoner in a prison has a loss of a freedom   as acted to break a British Laws, a criminal , - they acted to steal /they acted to kill/ they acted as pedafiles, they had a penalty for their criminal activities, - via British Court System with Judge, Solicitor, Prosecutor,  a public, words of blamed in crimes, words of  Experts, witnesses.  Here   UK  moved  to ILLEGAL  WAY   to treat  civilians  as  CRIMINALS and to make UK country of CIVILIANS  as a way of a PRISON COUNTRY where EACH treated as a Criminal (a murder, a killer, a pedafile,  a theif) whom committed a crime already  and blamed, traced, controlled , with a loss of civilian rights, a loss of freedom,  -- - the way to find  NHS/British Govertment/UK state country  started to treat own Citizens UK  with a loss of rights, human rights, as  some PIECES OF MEATS SIMILAR TO  COWS, BULLS, LAMBS, CHICKENS, PIGS, ---  NO HUMAN RIGHTS AS  YOU ARE UNWEAPONED  CIVILIANS AND SO TREATED  AS  COWS-BULLS-LAMBS-PIGS-CHIKENS-"A WALKING MEAT PIECES"  FOR  SHEPARDS AND BUTCHERS  TO SEE YOU AS  DONORS OF MEAT, ORPHANS, SOMEONE WHOM HAS NO HUMAN RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY OF  BRITISH FASCISTS IN POLITICAL POWER.

Any British structure "private business" "state " tried to push their ORDERS on you here in UK.

-  We do not serve  customers whom are not wearing MASKS  in our shop here in UK!

- So,  customers-buyers-clients in masks inside shops to find to see  STORES/Supermarkets/shops'es staff  serving clients without any masks, and they touched food products not wearing PPE gloves

"These visrues as Coronavirus may infected just those - those"

We saw Politicians ordered to waer masks to OTHERS and they avoided to wear themselves.

WE stayed a long que  in a superstore  to buy a food,  -  but when you inside already:
you see in a shock here:  their staff avoided, plenty, to wear masks.

JCP ,  British Officials, a lot here.
I was OBLIGATED to wear a mask and to use a hand sanitizer, i did this.

But i saw their staff had not used masks.

I asked my Work Adviser if she had a Covi vaccnation ?
She replied me :    - Not.

I am 60 yo.  I asked what purpuse to invite me to JCP in another towm, for me to travel
via 3 (three) towns   Sutton-in-Ashfield  - Mansfield -  Kirkby-in-AShfield  and back from Kirkby-in-AShfield - to Mansfield - to Sutton-in-AShfield, wearing as mask, which stressed and to be in a dangerouse to be infected while  i wrote my reports on their journals on their web-side  and before this, there was enough a phone call chat, saving money for me to buy some food.juices. fruits, and my Adviser replied me this was the orders from her bosses to her to treat me (Russian Ethnic woman, 60yo, British Citizen) by such way.

Look, i came: there was a huge long place with plenty British Officials JCP, sitting here inside of empty big hall room.  There were not plenty visitors of side at all.

This means a huge spending a budget money to fill a Council property by a light, heatings, cleanings, paid atff, desks, PC< chairs, staff, Cleaners, guards.

And our British Govertment had moved a female pension age for Mothers in Age  to a pension age of  their husbands-males.

My 2nd British ex- husband started to be a British Pensioner, as a male birth 10-05-1952 on his 66 yo age:
the some pension age for females in UK my birth year  1961 as a Mother in Age.

British Govertment ordered the permission for the sex change,
and these males whom changed their sex from be born since the birth as males but changed their sex group to be officially accepted as already females,  a sex change deed, they had their pension age not by DNA/birth sex as was as a male, - but as "female", "mothers in age",  this means the growth of statistic  of females in age while  some of females by statistic had been born as males.

And, after, not enough money to pay for a real females in age to have their pension , - UK new rules  moved a feamle pension age to be as a male pension age was for males.

Plenty woman tired to work after 50+. 55+ 60+, as some mothers in age were worked as mothers.

British NHS  GP/Doctors/Professors/Nurses/Solicitors of Human Rights 

Look,   the pension age for females was 60 yo age as a medical evidances of changes of human bodies, a tiredness, needs to have plenty rest, for some.

They all FOLLOW rules-orders-instructions while these changes , the some, as tourtures and humilation and a discrimination.

You are a person in age, mother in age, you said PLEASE STOP TO TOURTURE HUMILATE ME
had over-paid themselves from a budget on officials-needs of officials and nothing left in budget for pension for females, mothers in age.

I mean you feel this way as a  hate you, to show to you UNWNATED , WE HATE YOU

and you do not feel UK as your country,
not, this would be not the truth,

i asked JCP as I am 60 yo, female, my pension age started,
they refused me.

They started to ask me to travel to ANOTHER TOWN via THREE TOWNS and some way BACK
couple times more often.

I asked to stop this as a risk of my life and a loss of my low income money for traveling while i need my money for my food, drinks, clothes, shoues, heatings, electricity, mobile, etc.

I came to see others as more richer me as their relatives left their heritage to them.

When my mother died in Riga, Latvia, in 2011, i came for a funeral.
When my mother's Solicitor wrote me to return back for my mother's Heritage to me left:
I could not. I was a British Citizen on JSA, a divorced.
This way not to be fonded for funeral travel/expences if this in another country for you as to others.

This meas, the range of British Citizens, - some fonded as their parents died/funeral/inUK cemetery.And while you income a low, you must on own.

I have still 3 thousand debt to my credits card, continue to pay and this would be for a longer
as i did respected my mother and loved my mother to attend her funeral in another country, Riga, Latvia.

But i said to my father, - sorry, i still not finished to pay 3,000 pounds and i had not any financial ability to travel to see you while you alive living, some if you will died, -   JCP Officials rules  asked me to report 1 day prior a travel, they closed down all benefits while low income, 1 day before a trip abroad, and when i traveled to see you in Feb 2017 (cheapest air tickets out a season as coldest time of year), i  returned back and they ordered me to apply instaed JSA to UK with near 2 months delayed 1st payment. I was 55-56,  a home without a geating, electricity, a food.   I asked the financial help or a food parcel help, i had not a food at home, a fridge was switched oof, empty.

JSP Adviser Kate and another race tall Adviser of JCP refused me.
CAB  woman gave 1 food parcel of 1 week, refusing to give more:
rules and instroctions of  JCP Officials obligated to provide a food parcel 1 time per 6 months just
as THE NEEDS OF PHYSIOLOGY  of BRITISH HUMAN BODIES (in age)  IN UK idea of  British Politics and Officials in power:

LOW INCOME British Citizens MUST EAT JUST 1 TIME per  6 MONTHS only.

British NHS as a health care providers, British GP, British medical Doctors, Burses
had supported  this way , - no petitions to support their pacients lives in UK were being:

so,  dogs  may eat  /drink  daily , cats some.

but what aout humans in UK? about British Citizens UK?  in age?

So, we had been left on own by whole British Society , socials classes groups,
on own, as unwanted loosers.

I had  45-75K/year as a married wife. But my British ex-husband whom attacked woman prior me, started to attackme here in UK.  I was a victim of domestic violance. I divorced.

He had not paidme a Financial Settlement/ pension fond share as British Family Laws obligated to follow as Laws ,   my  British Solicitor/Judge divoced me as adults whom knew British Laws had not obligated my husband to provide a financial support to his ex, divorced ex-wife too: may be they disliked me as  a female or my another Ethnic Group or something, but the job was not done properly to protect my needs as a client whom paid money at that time.

as a neglet

later i tried to contact why they kept a silince for me to know British Laws as British Family Laws whom defended my rights and a financial support rights?

I read plenty divorced woman had a good financial suport them as ex-wives: a fine Financial Settlement, a pension fond share, - this sound not to b=me just as to another Ethnic Group woman.

When i tried to build my personnel life,  one Briton said me this:
- You have not money enough, as you owe nothing, no property, no saving to attract to marry on you"

I cried and i avoided each all after.

I mean no contacts  as people used  your personnel space , some, just to make a sore or laughed or humilate or harm a physically or a verbal.

I mean i am on the isolation for a long with a loss links  to any as i was treated not nice  and people in more rich social groups-classes or... used a special tone of their voice.

I have a fear of English speakers now, British speakers now as a rude vulgar shouting liers liking to harm others, as whom hate female, women in age:   all British society was a cal that their own mothers in age will have their pension not from 60 yo as was but as  some orders of someone in a biggest power inUK with the personnel hate of own mothers.

All these youngests threw out own parents, own mothers easily down , noone started to fight for mothers in age pension fond, as a British English-speakers Society.

I walked to MacDonald windows for cars, but no one car was here or on way,
i asked 1 cheeseburger   99 pences to pick , paying, not going  inside.

20+  young male staff looked on me with a horror of humilation me and he refused me,
as the walker , whom had not a car and not a driver:

- No. no permit! this way to serve just clients on cars!

No one was around on a car at that moment just me , trying to spend my  99 pences for a cheeseburger,
as i was a hungry.  I was a client of this MacDonald place for years as lived locally since 1st October 2010, 11 years as a spending my money was here.

The sport looking tall strong not slim as well fed 20s  young male, taller stronger me had not nice feelings or afraided me 162 cm smaller height not weaponed civilian woman as "i had not a car and ot a driver and mo 20 yo girl!" to be welcome to be served as a client!

Later i stayed, another day, they openned rooms to clients to eat inside:

no one person in age was being here, just groups of 20s, whom taking a power off this place.

I started to have a fear, so, as unwanted by  MacDonalds's young 20's military sport strong looking males staff here.

I lived in UK since 1998. Our family liked to travel and to use MadDonald. we spent a lot here as groups, family grouos, to find the clear message back in age suddenly as UNWANTED OLD LOW INCOME NO CAR NO DRIVER NOT WANTED TO BE SERVED BY OWN ")S YOUNG MALE STRONG SPORT STAFF.

I doubt now i will return back as a cleint/customer of MadDonalds as they offended people in age, women in age, mothers in age by their  UNWANTED here in UK as OLD - let die.

Staff whom refused me to sold a cheeseburger, had not ordered any replacement, as a drink/paid/not too.

You stay as a peron in age and a woman in age to find this new rude vulgar words of Naci or young Faschits without any human hearts or any pitiness or any wish to serve clients to be a happy clients.

I started to have a fear of MadDonald after this and a feelings as THE BETRAY OF OWN CUSTOMERS CLIENTS FOR YEARS.

My older daugter on my say said me, she stopped to use MadDonald as their food making people fat with a loss of a health and as when she paid for a party with children, but her car had a penalty a sover-stayed, upsetting by a unhumanity to mother with children, spending a lot here, - as nothing HUMANITY HERE left.

This was not what was before years ago.

ALDI  Manager  Kerry  started suddenly  to shout on me o=in ALDI  in Sutton-in-AShfield,
avoiding to do refund to re-check the total:

i was right:  the total of 1st cashier was with a mistake.
But to know this i had a long procedure of waiting time with shouts on my by Manager Kerry on style some shouts on own puppy dogs.dogs.cats , not wanting to listen THE OWNER, while we had benn unknown adults.   Kerry shouted on me, avoiding to do refund, ordered to leave Aldi and to leave paid by me shopping,  i had a long pacient to wait the refund.  Kerry shouted on me not go to do a shopping in ALDI, "she closed down the access to me to come to here".   I asked Manager Kerry:  -  what was /is a reason for this, please? what i did a wrong?  and  Kerry replied me: - For the asking REFUND.

M?  the ask the refund is a customers rights in UK as British Trade Law said?

Aldi web-side advert  Aldi provide  5 years  of REFUND FOR SOME TYPE OF ALDI GOODS FROM ALDI - 5 years if the cheque saved.

Is this would be the truth?  as for me, i just bought, as saw a wrong TOTAL with a MISTAKE NOT RIGHT, so, i returned straight back, asking THE DO FULL REFUND TO MAKE THE CHECK OF TOTAL was a correct.

If  Manager Kerry would scanned nicely, i checked, all, i would picked my shopping with a correct total here.
But as this was as her way to shout me,  i  had not a personnel space of my time to sort things ,
as just to SHOW Manager Kerry  TWO TOTALS as DIFFRENT while scanned by 1st blond Cashier and my her Manager Kerry as a different TOTAL from two Cashiers of ALDI some ALDI store and time pttern as a differnt styles of  scanning technoque with 43 pences of a difference of total.

Her closed friend blond cashier  had not scanned items correctly properly, missing to scan a green cucumber or having a shame to scan a green cucumber? as some her thoughts?

Nobody would knew this, nobody as just my ask to make the refund of total whole shopping open a weak place of staff scanning technique.

The loss of 43 pences per a customer per 1 scan , as some technique habits, may do a big loss of a profit of ALDI per day, week, month, year,  and the back dirty thoughts about thieves as a possible own staff or own customers, so,  a loss of trust, a low.

I worked in Tesco New Olleton Nottinghamshire superstore on tills 2002-2005, a private pensioner of tesco since my 55 yo age (164 pounds as my small private Tesco pensions from Tesco fro my 3 years of serving here, thanks for them a lot, a nice, while my pension ahe 66, wait and wait a lot) "every small little help" value works nice.

I noticed as  ALDI rules monitors of speed of scanning of own staff making the procedure to pass a till to pay as a runings fast load on customers topack their good they bought,  and a mistakes of scanning: the wish to scan raidly is not always accurate method of scanning.

If Manager Kerry just did what i asked for as the refund to check totals of two scans,  everythings would be left private, i would not said or wrote a word. 

But as this was as was.

I had stopped to visit ALDI as their Manager Kerry offended me here by a shouting on me with orders she closed ALDI for me   ***  I have a clean DBS, while not each ALDI staff may have the DBS check,  or as a loss of items as a poor not accurate scanning technique was, - their staff might started to thing  some customers/staff stolled items from a shopping floor while just missed to scan by ALDI CASHIERS.

Probably, tired to work properly.

I mean such way of a low of everything  in UK.

I advice people from abroad to avoid UK as here is not right services for clients now.

I asked Manager Kerry to stop to shout on me.
I tried to stop, asking her:
-  Please, stop to shout on me! I am a woman! I am on my 60s!

My words had not changed the situationwith kerry, but later helped:
I had a refund.

This was so nice shop before. I liked a lot. I spnd a lot.

Manager Kerry as The New Type Style of British Young Woman  refused to make a shopping in ALDI for me,
and this new (old Faschists?( style of British Citizens had noot any worries:

- where this Lady will buy now her essensial food items? products? milk? bread? fruits? as a local?

If i would not asked THE REFUND.
i would not have this shock stress me from Kerry shouts on me.

But  i would had  1 unpaid item green cucumber which 1st ALDI Cashier  on till AVOIDED to scan, giving me as a scanning items from  her till.

But they would put me so to have this? 

Pardon me,  I am not a theif, i have a clean DBS, i in sales was for years as a fully trusted member of staff.

This not my gilt ALDI Manager had not trained the staff, Cashier, properly, with the check of their scan  quality to be accurate.

I do not know if this a human tiredness of a situation with Coronavirus 19 2019-2021,  making people to stay strange sometimes as over-stressed.

So, the test for Covi on 14th was a negative,
while i continueyet to have a some cough.

a little bit better
just tired as from 10th/

This time is not nice comfortable.

This all as news.

Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин 

"Ты...", перевод  и стихи мои как автора

"You are ...", the song, poem

"Мандала Алины Кабаевой"

"Мандала 12 мая 1983 года др Алины Кабаевой"

"Тест на Коронавирус в Англии 14 08 2021"

"The Coronavirus Home Test Experience 14-08-2021"
