Liliputin -3746

Being born with a silver spoon in the mouth, like Ivanka Trump, does not guarantee
you to be born as a mouth-breather ... "
Bill Maher

To Be Born With A Silver Spoon In One’s Mouth
Meaning: to be born into a wealthy family.
Use In A Sentence: I haven’t seen him work one day in his life. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he has never had to worry about money.
In the early 20th century, "mouth-breather" was a technical term used by doctors to describe children who were breathing through their mouths due to an underlying medical condition. English lexicographer Jonathon Green notes that by 1915, the phrase "mouth-breather" had developed a pejorative connotation within English slang, defined as a "stupid person."[4] Currently, the Macmillan Dictionary defines the term "mouth breather" as "a stupid person."
