Liliputin -3743

American educational system has thrown Donald J. Trump under the short-bus ..."
Steven Colbert

Now of course the short bus is referring to special needs people who couldn't be completely mainstreamed in school & had to take a bus to special education training & since there were fewer kids, they only needed a small bus, typically called the "short bus". When people make fun of each other or joke with each other, you can sometimes hear the "short bus " label attached to somebody, which is a jab at somebodies intelligence.

throw (one) under the bus (redirected from throw somebody under the bus)
throw (one) under the bus
1. To exploit one's trust for an ulterior purpose, advantage, or agenda; to harm one through deceit or treachery.
Senator Davis was supposed to be working with me to bridge the gap between Democrats and Republicans on the issue of gun control, but, instead, she threw me under the bus to get a boost in the polls with her constituency.
The investment company threw its clients under the bus when it chose to redirect their hard earned money into various Ponzi schemes that benefited only a few board members at the top.
2. To avoid blame, trouble, or criticism by allowing one to take responsibility.
Tommy was caught with the marijuana in his backpack, but he threw me under the bus and said it belonged to me.
Our manager never hesitates to throw an underling under the bus when something goes wrong in the office.
See also: bus, throw
