Перевод стихотворения В глухие дни К. Д. Бальмонта

In ancient time and formidable season
When Godunov was leader of the state
All people roamed without any reason
And famine came to every poor estate.
Two suns in Russia rose every morning.
They looked in horror at the ravaged lands
And angry peasants in a strongest worrying
Reached for the bread and stretched their tired hands.
Dead people filled the streets in every town.
With severe hunger they were dying there.
And nobody wanted to go down
For taking people necessary care.
Uprising covered different Russian places.
Black coffins filled the graveyards everywhere.
The war showed us its cold and angry faces
And order was respected nowhere.
All towers fell of storms and snows in cities,
The darkness came from our ancient times
And ruler cancelled all of prior treaties.
He didn’t listen to the courtier wise.
And eagles soared over Russian ranges.
All strange events became a real norm.
The Tsar considered fearful damages
Without knowing our usual form.
Before the end each person saw the comet,
Imposters issued their false rescript.
When ground trembled at the frightening moment
Dimitry rose from royal stone script.
