Where will their wretched souls abide?

May I request prayers?  War is wanted by twice as many Ukrainians as those against it. The US says it will back them, although no one believes them (except Ukraine who hopes to get someone to fight in their stead). As the last remedy, Russia arranged to talk to Germany and France (Ukraine’s European patrons). They listened... In silence! They would only need to tell ‘em the truth, just a few words, like ‘Guys, come off it, it’s no use, you’ve been warned, haven’t you?’ But they won’t say that because the US think Russia must be weakened in wars. Do they know our history? Are they aware of Russia’s new weapons that have made everyone’s defenses obsolete? Can one weaken a musician by making him play the piano?       

Among the family of nations
There is a dying one — Ukraine.
What’s killing them? Well, bitter hatred...
They simply cannot bear the pain.

We tell them, ‘Folks, come to your senses.
Attacking just means suicide.’
They grind their teeth... and summon soldiers...
Where will their wretched souls abide?  ( 

