Pirates island 1991

Balloons remind an Aussie film,
Where, being seventeen, Les Hill
Played very well the leader of
A group of kids, who’d taken off
In a balloon from Sydney, though
They didn’t know where they would go…
The wind swept them somewhere in sky
For minutes once, they got so high
That lack of oxygen could kill
The poor children ‘cause Les Hill,
Beth Buchanan and others lost
Their consciousness, been killed by frost,
The lack of air, with no hope…
…but any problems humans cope
With will for sure be soon resolved!
The cooled balloon went down, thank God!
Which saved these children’s lives as well!
Was it their destiny?.. Who’d tell?..
From high above, they saw some land
Where their air trip would have to end.
The golden beach with coco palms:
All South Pacific Ocean charms,
Attracting tourists from the world,
Now did not seem to be a pearl
For passengers of this balloon!..
Because they understood how soon
They could've crashed on trees or land
But fortune favoured: happy end
The journey finished safely soon
The gases cooled and the balloon
Descended smoothly on the beach
The children screamed - the basket reached
The ground of the blessed coast...
Without knowing that the worst
Will only wait for them in there…
They need to lay their heads somewhere…
A lovely bunch of city kids
From a balloon now only needs
To find some place to spend the night
They know as well they’ll have to fight
A lot of difficulties here
Because they’ll get no help from near
But where is they got stranded on?
Why suddenly their trip went wrong?
This place may be uncharted, so,
No rescue missions ever go
Four Robinsons began to think
How they would find the saving link
To contact their native land
But each of them did understand
That’s what is needed first of all
To find a tree, not very tall,
With room enough for building home,
Some sort of rain-protecting dome,
But out of what to make the walls?
The real homes are not the dolls
Or models we create from kits,
So, children had to have the wits
To use the basket from balloon
To make the walls before the moon
Must rise above their brand-new home
What can protect it as its dome?
It was decided that the shell
Of ex-balloon can do it well!
They hurried to switch off the light
To get some sleep they said good night
They feel so sure there’s no chase
From anywhere but someone’s gaze
Already was directed at
Their secret hut. An ancient hat
That’s hardly seen in neighbourhood
Where in the day kids looked for food
In early centuries was worn
By people who have been a thorn
In peaceful people’s side for long
The fear that stroke their hearts was strong
The PIRATES was that awful name!
They robbed the ships and made them flame
Without knowing any fear!
The pirates owned this island here
This hat belonged to one of them
He hid in bushes there to stem
Some possible invasion that
Could get him rid not of the hat
Or weapons but his only life
So he was carrying his knife
His musket and his pirate sword!
But this man gave his honest word
Not to attack some women, kids
The only thing he really needs
From these teenagers: who are they?
Where are they from? And what’s the way
They crossed the ocean to this land
No one from any continent
Could use the boat to get so far
But having known where they are
Observing in his telescope
He thought the task he had to cope
With could be left until the sun
Can help much more to solve this pun

    to be continued...
