Winter lull

On the forests and fields, the blue night falls go down
Only haystacks go grey with large snow crowns
Covering the whole world with a dark blue veil
Houses glow cozily. In a deep dale

And a golden light shimmer warm in the night
From a candle behind a frosty window
Someone there inside, dreams of morning light
Covered with a blanket on a soft pillow

Meanwhile, white snow lies in the meadows and trees
All was stopped by the icy night breeze
There is silence around, and peace pleases

When the white snow turns into fast streams
And bright colors will flash everywhere
Whole world will be filled with life and dreams
Real spring wonders will happen there

© Александр Повшенко

Перевод эквиритмический песни Надя Краун "Зимняя ночь"
