Youth is a lightning

Youth is a lightning.
A colorful, bright thing.
When skies are crying,
It’s making us shining.

It’s making us fall
In love with the others.
We are leaving homes,
Say goodbye to the mothers.

We dance under the rain,
We are all getting wet.
We are walking through night,
We aren’t going to bed.

Sometimes life is a fight,
Yeah, life is tough.
But in the eyes of the danger
We loudly laugh.

Youth is a tear,
Youth is a drug.
Youth has no fear,
We all rise it as flag.

It will leave us one day,
Thunder-storm will be end.
It will never return
To your life’s lonely land.

We’re all standing the brink,
So do not be pedant.
Youth is a lightning,
It is fulminant.

