Нити Вселенной. Елена Дубровская. Выставка

Моя персональная Выставка - Нити Вселенной состоялась!
Это чудесно и прекрасно...
Это случилось. Моя персональная Всемирная Выставка.
Благодарю организаторов и помощников и вдохновителей!
50 работ; всего у меня более 500, около 200 в частных коллекциях по всему миру: во Франции, Швейцарии, Бельгии, Испании, Греции, Чехии, США, в родной России...
Это удивительно и прекрасно...
Вся наша жизнь божественно обусловлена и неслучайна; Вселенная ведёт нас и Нити Вселенной указывают нам путь...
Все связано со всем; наша мысль, душа и любовь необходимы Вселенной и каждой травинке и лучику Света...
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Art and the Verba Art project present to your attention the Niti Vselennoy (the Threads of the Universe) solo exhibition of Elena Dubrovskaya's works.
The concept of the show is the connection between the human beings and the Universe – the dialogue they lead, which brings light, joy, and love. Elena creates drawings almost every day "receiving" the images from the Universe. Just like the poems she writes.
They flow spontaneously and like paintings come out of nowhere. You have to tune in to the right wave, and then you'll be able to write seven or eight poems at once.
What's interesting is that Elena writes poems in different languages: in Russian, English, and German.
She doesn't translate. To hear the words, one has to be able to think in the language, and then verses come by themselves.
Elena doesn't like to grind things out.
She prefers to do everything "with ease, joy, and open mind". Elena's creative works – her drawings and poems – transmit the ideas of love, beauty, mutual understanding, bond with the Universe and are aimed at improving our lives, so we could better connect with the cosmic energy, and to people sharing the same view of the world. A person who likes someone's artworks or poems is in tune with the author and approves of his or her work.
And this is what we call a mutual understanding. If the artwork resonates with the audience, it's wonderful.
Like poems and music, Elena's artworks have a certain rhythm. In every case, it's unique – no two drawings are the same. Of course, the artworks share the same style, but each one carries its own idea and information.
Like Mozart's music. We recognize it immediately from the first notes. But the melodies are different. Elena's first exhibition was held in Moscow in 2018
The world-famous artist and a professor of the famous Moscow Architectural Institute Konstantin Tishin, who's always been Elena's inspiration, said about her work, "Lenochka, your artworks are very original and memorable.
I believe this exhibition will become your first step towards a large audience. The fusion of your poetry and the lines you draw – so elegant and simple – is your strong point. There's no doubt you will be recognized in the art world, I'm sure of it. Of all the colourful images it's your lines that draw my attention, they are mesmerizing.
Your poetry is very romantic and light, as are the lines of your graphics. Keep writing and drawing, whether you're in a good or a bad mood, do not be afraid to fail, through failures we get to now ourselves better, and that's how you can reach your potential…" In 1998, Elena studied arts and culture in Cologne at the Goethe-Institute program.
Her artistic endeavours were greatly influenced by the works of Gustav Klimt, Wassily Kandinsky, Kirill Chelushkin, Konstantin Tishin, Nadya Rusheva, and Pavel Khantya. Besides, Elena's work is greatly influenced by the work of her artistic daughter Alyona Shilina, who lives and works in Barcelona, Spain.
When other artists see Elena's graphics they comment on her firm hand and clear lines that indicate the deliberate nature of her works. Elena is inspired by the places she visits often, such as Florence, Venice, Munich, Prague, Freiburg, Barcelona, Paris, Marseille, Cologne, Moscow – her native city, Russian hinterland, large cities, and small villages. That's where she draws energy for her work.
She explores people: their faces, concerns, interests, smiles, the way of living. All this feeds Elena's creativity – her poems, drawings.
Elena is an emotional person, and each her emotion transforms into a poem or a drawing.
Elena believes that our purpose in life is to overcome difficulties and fears, strive towards bright feelings and joyful expectations, and that only good awaits us ahead. She's convinced that people shall seek the light and love all their lives, keep learning, and continuously look for the ways to self-improve.
Elena holds two academic degrees and has a long teaching experience. Knowledge, learning, creativity, and love are the cornerstones of her work.

Every day
And every night
You must believe
And must decide...

Want and play
Every day Every day...

January 3, 2021
Close your eyes
Say goodbye
Many stars
Fly at night...

December 24, 2020
Space and girls
Girls and space
Very nice Very nice...

December 24, 2020
Stars and flight
Open your eyes
Dream and look
Must to be...

December 26, 2020
Steps and mind
Steps to mind
Listen to your heart
Fall to night...

Это о моей Выставке и Мои стихи на английском языке, как иллюстрации...
Жизнь прекрасна и Вселенная ждёт наших подвигов...

5 февраля 2021

Спасибо Вам за ваши замечательные стихи. Почти каждый раз они небольшие, но точно отражают задуманный смысл, чувства бьют точно в цель- в самое сердце, добро теплом растекается по всему телу. Спасибо Вам!!! Поздравляю Вас с очередной ступенькой в Вашем творчестве. От всей души желаю непрекращающегося вдохновения!

Константин Политти   05.02.2021 12:39     Заявить о нарушении
Сердечно благодарю Вас за искренность и доброту)))
Я всегда очень рада Вашим отзывам))
С уважением и благодарностью)))
Жизнь прекрасна и удивительна)))

Елена Дубровская 2   06.02.2021 15:21   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.