Brave New World

Aldous Huxley created his “Brave
New World” – the book, where life is strange,
where a slave loves being a slave,
and this utopia comes to the stage.

What people think in their imagination,
what can be born in the depth of a mind,
after a period, passed in gestation,
can become dangerous for humankind.

What we are dreading is coming today
through legislations and rapid new laws.
The human race is trapped like a prey,
and how strong are the Beast’s wicked claws!

More than before being robbed by the state,
led by the lies and driven by fear,
why most people accept their fate?
Tyranny is on the doorsteps, so near.

Medical fascism, endorsing its madness,
makes people jump from the windows and
others are drowning in a deep sadness,
as they cannot this world understand.

The common sense, as it seems, is declined.
Minds are moulded by the new rules.
Blind authorities, leading the blind,
close all restaurants, theatres, and schools.

Churches and schooling become now distant,-
as it’s dictated by quarantines,
and human touch now is non-existent, -
with all taboos it’s reduced to the screens.

By this insanity lives are impacted
and suicides’ statistics are high.
Many would perish or will be adapted,
trying new measures to justify.

By the decades of lies conditioned,
people accept what had happened, docile,
while their leaders conduct demolition
using the most atrocious style.

Ruined economy and education,
people are sitting at homes in fear,
while the leaders use falsification,
making us living the lives austere.

The “New Normality”, it’s how they call it.
Public had swallowed this trendy term
and no longer admits it’s appalling.
This makes the steps of dictatorship firm.

Merciless fines and total submission.
Freedoms, for centuries gained, are crushed.
Servants of Satan are on their mission,
minds are stifled and voices are hushed.

Oh, they even, not hiding intentions,
speak of transforming us into machines,
using the science’s latest inventions,
by vaccination to change our genes.

What they plan is a modification
of human codes in DNA,
ruining God’s most cherished creation,
making all people their orders obey.

Virus had served for them as a preamble,
just a pretext to roll out vaccines
quickly, before populations would grumble, -
for the elite a new era begins.

The “New Normality”, now imposed,
is one of theirs favourite tools,
with which the folks, who this madness opposed,
will be as criminals now or fools.

Aldous Huxley, the realm you created
in all your fantasies comes now true!
People, who welcome this life isolated,
live like zombies and have no clue.

They some brownie points are earning,
when they welcome this fear and dread.
Yet, the exception is those discerning,
who by the crowds refuse to be led.

In these vaccines some calamities sniffing,
knowing how the demons deceive,
they expect God’s protection would differ
from what the minds of people conceive.

The world of slaves, predicted by Huxley,
isn’t for them, they serve Jesus Christ,
in resurrection so faithfully trusting,
ready to offer their lives sacrificed.

Trusting the Lord, they honour and cherish
Truth in its kernel: the Life of Light,
ready for Truth and for Freedom to perish
and in the Word of God’s promise delight.

Oh, they know that Christ has all power,
that never Satan so powerful was
and in the darkest most terrible hour
Jesus can save us from enemy's jaws.

Waiting for Christ, who protects and redeems us,
deeply believing in Him, who can save,
they refuse to bow down to demons
with their plans to destroy or enslave.

They expose the forces demonic,
which are imposing new paradigms.
Brave New World with its camps electronic
isn’t for them in these transient times.

What is for them in this world that would crumble?
Hope in Heaven, merging with Earth.
The World of God welcomes all, who are humble,
giving Eternity in a new birth!


Как ответ русофобу - так сразу бан.
А это точно Стихи.ру ?
Может это Стихи.бандер? Или Стихи.русофоб ?

Виктор Сулименко   02.02.2021 23:40     Заявить о нарушении
Так оно и есть, Виктор, я сама не первый раз замечаю такую тенденцию.
Спасибо, что заглянули и примечательно, что оставили комментарий под стихотворением о Новом Мировом Порядке, навязываемом нам Западом. Послушать Клауса Шваба, их идеолога из Всемирного Экономического Форума, фашиста по сути, то понимаешь кто у руля мировых событий, заказчики пандемий и прочего оружия против мирного населения для сокращения его численности. Так что русофобы ещё ангелочками покажутся.
С наилучшими пожеланиями,

Альбина Кумирова   03.02.2021 02:05   Заявить о нарушении Панихида по капитализму.

Альбина Кумирова   03.02.2021 13:32   Заявить о нарушении