Владыка огня 4

Владыка огня (4)
(по мотивам произведения Вальтера Скотта)

И вновь он в пещере... Мрак... тишина...
Лютующий ветер умолк до утра...
Нежвижное пламя... вокруг ни души...
Отчаянье в сердце впускать не спеши!

Опять заклинанья и... обыск... до пят...
Раздет донага... Что это?.. Глядят
на крест, что выжег в детстве отец...
Тот крест на груди... Божественный крест!

Жрецы приступили... И... вытравлен крест...
Вновь полночь... И снова пещера... И здесь
он шепот услашал - то ангел вещал -
Прощай! Хранитель небесный во тьму улетал...

Податься вперед? Отойти ли назад?
В тяжелом смятении доблестный граф...
Гордыня толкает в объятия той,
что сердце Ливана сразила красой...


The Fire-King

Again in the cavern, deep deep under ground,
He watched the lone night, while the winds whistled round;
Far off was their murmur, it came not more nigh,
The flame burned unmoved and naught else did he spy.

Loud murmured the priests and amazed was the king,
While many dark spells of their witchcraft they sing;
They searched Albert's body, and, lo! on his breast
Was the sign of the Cross by his father impressed.

The priests they erase it with care and with pain,
And the recreant returned to the cavern again;
But as he descended a whisper there fell:
It was his good angel, who bade him farewell!

High bristled his hair, his heart fluttered and beat,
And he turned him five steps, half resolved to retreat;
But his heart it was hardened, his purpose was gone,
When he thought of the maiden of fair Lebanon.
(Walter Scott)
