Everything is OK

Morning over the city.
Yellow circle of sun is not there
I'm all nauseous and dreary
Like a memorized, overcooked prayer.
I repeat that I'm tired
Always throwing myself to the fire
Everything is OK.
You will call me a pityfull liar.

Twilights over the city.
Cause stars to look paler and darker.
Flower corpses from pity
You'll bring me and say: "Love's for suckers."
I repeat that I get it,
Enough throwing me empty pennies.
Everything is OK.
You will smile saying: "Bye, schizophrenic!"

Midnight city is empty.
Dirty skies are my vengeful clone.
Drunk and beaten to death
Push myself up the hill like a stone.
I repeat: Can you stop
Pouring blood? Could you loosen the flow?
Everything is OK.
Taxi drove up ..... well, see you tomorrow.

Перевод произведения Серафимы Ананасовой.
