To My Friends

Find the right balance for your day… and
Become the reason your friend smiles today.

Let go of the wasteful noise...
Then we can hear our inner voice.
When we let go of the nonsense out of our mind,
We create space for better things in our life.

Losers always make excuses...
Fools wait for a lucky day,
but a productive person turns every day into an exciting and lucky day!

Today is my lucky day
and even happier days are on the way.
When we appreciate the luck we have had so far,
we attract more luck into our life.

What we think we become.
Our mind is like a garden
and our thoughts are like seeds.
We grow flowers here, so please don’t water the weeds!

Let me tell you!
We are doing the right thing that we keep improving our value.
New doors can be opened only with new keys.
So, keep developing your new useful skills.

It is not gold all that glitters…
Those, who indulge too much, accomplish too little.
Focus like a laser on one task at a time.
I know with your focus you can bend space and time.

We are either on our way or we are in someone else’s way.
What we sow, we shall harvest.
There must be some exciting opportunities in the middle of this chaos.
May our adaptability lead us through the chaos.

We want to move towards our goals
but some people on our way wear masks and play roles.
Stay away from silly mind-games, because they cause wasteful headaches.

Remember, there will be some people who will treat you wrong;
Just smile and use them as building blocks that will make you strong!
A rolling stone is smooth and has no mould...
A happy soul is the best shield from the cruel world.

Life is a roller coaster with twists and turns.
We treasure people who uplift us.
We value our good friends on our way up;
We will need them on the way down.

Have clear written goals!
Put down your phone!
Perform as a smooth operator of the chaotic environment
first within then outside of our comfort zone.

If we fall into pieces or we are on the edge,
Just reassemble a more advanced version of yourself from scratch.
Sometimes we win... sometimes we learn a lesson.
We will turn our today’s setbacks into our tomorrow’s blessings!


reason  -  причина
wasteful  -  расточительный
inner voice  -  внутренний голос
nonsense  -  чепуха
excuse  -  благовидный предлог
to turn into  -  превращать
exciting  -  полный восторга
to appreciate  -  высоко ценить
to attract  -  привлекать
seed  -  семя
weed  -  сорняк
value  -  ценность
to glitter  -  блестеть
to indulge  -  доставлять себе удовольствие
to accomplish  -  достигать
to harvest  -  собирать урожай
chaos  -  хаос
adaptability  -  способность адаптироваться
through  -  сквозь
towards  -  по направлению
mind-game  -  игры разума
to cause  -  вызывать
head-ache  -  головная боль
to treat  -  обращаться (с кем-то)
mould  -  плесень
shield  -  щит
cruel  -  жестокий
twist  -  поворот дороги
turn  -  поворот
to treasure  -  ценить
to uplift  -  поднимать настроение
to value  -  ценить
to perform  -  функционировать
smooth operator  -  a person, who is someone who is relaxed, confident and pleasant
environment  -  среда
within  -  в пределах
outside  -  за пределами
to fall into pieces  -  to become very emotional,
                to become unable to control one’s emotions
to be on the edge  -  быть на гране
to assemble  -  собирать
advanced  -  продвинутый
version  -  версия
from scratch  -  “с нуля”
a setback  -  a temporary reversal of the progress
blessing  -  везение

Alex Kritskiy, a private English teacher, Ph.D., 38-067-391-76-62
