О происхождении и роли стволовых клеток в коре моз

Prospects for studying the role of stem cells in brain self-renewal.
Atlas of electron microscopic studies of the nervous system.2021.
M. S. Sheleshko
Candidate of Medical Sciences Associate Professor of physical therapy, occupational therapy
Poltava Institute of business international scientific and technical Institute named after academician Yuri Bugai

Annotation. The study of motor functions provides a deep knowledge of the anatomy and histophysiology of the nervous system, which is caused by the peculiarities of restoring the structure of neuroglial complexes in the motor cortex in various lesions, in particular in hypokinesia. There are not enough studies at the ultra structural level that provide any data on the presence of stem cells in the cortex. The qualitative shifts in ultra structures in the sensorimotor cortex that we have established can be a serious aid to research, that allows us to draw conclusions about this morph functional system and the functions of stem cells in the cortex and in peripheral nerves. This will allow us to change the views on the processes in the higher motor center of the cerebral cortex during deprivation and deafferentation in the peripheral nerves. The work presents new data that will significantly help doctors, rehabilitation specialists and occupational therapists in understanding the mechanisms of GABA exposure and various methods used to prevent motor disorders and eliminate the effects of factors that damage the nervous system.    

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