A Younger Sister of the Queen

Марина и Игорь Саркисовы - Младшая сестра королевы

you do not know this song it is in Russian and I will not translate it for you I do not have enough time left thus you may read the comment to the stuff unknown or drink one more beer that could be more helpful and think of me as some past continuous tense in (as always) tense times

listen oh ye younger sister:

it is wonderful having privileges without responsibilities (as compared to responsibilities without privileges) supplemented by a decent allowance however you know your people as your people i.e. people whom your family own not the other way around trust me if you indeed stay long enough and your protection gradually falters as usually happens when your unimportance sinks into minds of people surrounding you in the beginning it will be a unfamiliar feeling of people getting closer smelling talking louder and it will be a short time between them touching you and them already displaying a keen research interest in looking at what is inside you because they were raised in thinking of those ruling them in complete disregard of commoners’ disposable lives as higher human beings sent (as they were taught in their church schools) directly by gods and eventually they will become very disappointed to find no appreciable differences so it could be in the souls but equally possible that the whole church school teaching is bogus and new churches and schools needed these will be animated and sometimes heated discussions but you will not be a part of them for the obvious reason   
