My Confidence

Hello! I’m Nastya;
As you understood by the title I am going to tell you about my confidence.
Before I start I would like to say that, I am telling about myself and I am not trying to offend someone.
I am not sure how many heads are here, but I am positive that some of you will have a connection to my talking.
Let’s start!

Some people are hiding themselves like mice in the corner.
I can understand them, but I am an opposite person.
I am a person who is not embarrassed.
Of course, I get embarrassed sometimes, but most of the time I don’t feel scared doing a wrong thing.

I have a command for you: Raise your hand if you are using makeup.
As you noticed, I didn’t raise my hand, that is why I don’t use makeup.
Makeup does go close to me.
I never put makeup when I go to school,
Or to big events, like Christmas Eve or my birthday.
Interesting story:
One time me and my sister went to the mall to get some makeup.
I bought all things that I needed,
Guess what, I didn’t use it even once.
Of course I use makeup sometimes but it happens very rarely.

I associate myself with a lion, because I am the first child in our family and powerful.
I act like a dragon, because I am energetic and aggressive.
Everyone in my family says that I am the most confident person that they ever met.

Now I am talking to my classmates:
Remember how we made a class picture,
And there was a car that was ruining our picture.
I was brave enough to go and ask him politely to move the car away.

Another situation that shows that I am confident in myself was when,
During our Class Presidential Elections, I was one of the candidates, and I was brave enough to go first.
I was on a ninth cloud when I was done with my speech.

As you can see I am standing in front of you, very confident;
Many people are very scared of the stage, but I defeated this fear.
Some people might think of me as a not confident person, but I ignore these things,
because you don’t know how I feel.

Imagine, you being confident.
How would it feel?

Now this is what I think when
You are being confident:
You would grab a lot of attention, without even trying very hard.
By giving your honest opinion, people might come closer to you,
Because you all have the same view.
You will celebrate small victories inside yourself, which will lift your Spirit.
You would be like a kangaroo, strong and powerful.
All of these things are good and make your confidence stronger. 

You might be clearly confused about, why am I telling all of this;
Well, I am a very open person, and I would like to tell you about myself and even motivate you.
I am not telling that I am the best and you are the worst, no no no.
Everyone has good qualities and bad qualities.
The thing that I am telling you
Is that, after my speech, I want you will be able to find confidence in yourself
And open up to people.

Try feeling your confidence,
because when you are confident,
more opportunities are opened.
