Nothing specific

   For a long time I looked out the window at the night streets.
When I didn’t find anything specific, I returned to the table and entered a password on my laptop, opened a new document and started to type. Thoughts flowed freely and I liked it. From time to time, I stopped and looked out of the window into the street again. Returning to the writing process, I continued. This time it was not as easy for me as the first time. I checked my phone. Realizing that I hadn’t received anything specific, I looked out the window again. The hands of the clock moved annoyingly towards midnight. I made several phone calls again, but no one picked up the phone. I removed the cold and uneaten dinner and then went to bed. Sleep did not come to me for a long time, but eventually when I fell into a sweet slumber, the annoying phone call woke me up. It was early morning and the sun's rays just started to touch my window.
When I answered the phone, a voice asked what I wanted yesterday.
"Nothing specific," I answered without thinking twice, blocked the number and fell asleep again.
