A. Kiryanova. About the Poetry of Eugene Kiselev

Poetry should talk about the sublime in dignified language. This
was believed in ancient times, and determined the essence of poetry.
In many languages, since ancient times, the words «poet» and
«prophet» have denoted one. Poetry was the privilege of the elect.
The one who composed poems was considered a sacred character,
endowed with powerful skills of expression. Every word of the poem
was a gift from the gods, a revelation from above. «Poetry should
reflect life and its harsh realities» – so it was thought later on. The
sacred language of poetry began to fade and whither. Truly, what terrible
beauty and unspeakable horror if we are only talking about things
banal and trivial? Poetry began to die. That poetry, which allowed
communication with higher forces, endowed the poet with super-natural
inspiration. But the truth is imperishable, an eternal absolute, which
appears in the writings of diverse poets of the most unexpected times.
Poets talk to us in their sacred language causing palpitations which
shake up foundations. Powerful images and mystical signs are the
essence of Eugene Kiselev’s poetry. There are reasons poems are
written in English by the Russian speaking poet. Where they came
from and why they are filled with ancient, mysterious, powerful images,
so different from the life of our time which is in itself, a mystery. As is
the tragic image of the author, at first glance, it has little to do with the
natural man.
Poetry is an unconditional mysticism. But these poems are a
secret double. They exist over time and throughout space. They might
be heard under the arches of Mesopotamia or temples of Babylon, in
the Egyptian temple, or a medieval church, in any of the ancient
languages, under the sounds of bells or of an organ, lute or a lyre.
Eugene’s verses force us to listen to the ancient voice of our soul,
which is so rarely heard in the noise of everyday life. It so strongly and
happily responds to a secret appeal, which was heard in every line of
hymns, psalms and chants presented in this book. These verses, a
mystery of the ancient mysteries, miraculously caught the poet’s
sensitive heart and soul. The poet rejects the reduction of poetry and
reconciliation with the emptiness of daily life. For example, you cannot
dance to the music of an organ. You cannot sing the hits to the music
of the world spheres. Namely, Eugene listened to music with his heart.
He was able to express it in his native tongue; this is another
phenomenon of poetry. Indeed, poetry gives the possibility to have
«the gift of tongues». Sometimes the language was not human, neither
of ancient pattern, rather, in the language of angels. The sensations
and feelings in getting acquainted with the works of the author are the
same as with the first chords of organ music or the feelings of
approaching great sculptures of antiquity – awe. This is another mystery,
true poetry, out of time, out of space. It is full of Eternity. Not one of
them is random, nor any metaphor wrong, but music of the spheres
transferred truthfully and accurately. The fact is that it is fascinating
and sometimes frightening, but we have to face the truth. It makes no
sense to conduct a literary analysis of these poems because their
influence can only be felt by the sensitive and perceptive man, if for
just a moment he is distracted from the bustle of everyday life and
then listens to the beautiful words…

Anna Kiryanova,

philosopher, psychologist,
author of psychological programs
on radio and television, poet,
prose writer, member of the Union
of Writers of Russia.

Translated by Andrej Larionov, Gerrit Wellecke and Daniel
