Notes of time Travelers T and P

One century is entwined in the others and we've been travelling for too long. Does this "long" even exist? Roman gladiator games are behind us, you were fighting among nomadic horsewomen-archers (let debates over the amazon existence still go on) and I was involved in some peculiar Victorian era investigation;. Two old souls stuck in their bodies: smiling, choking with laughter, and now wading through the deep grass in some little village wearing who knows what while handing their hands. I'd like it to be like this forever - adventurous, hilarious, sometimes embarrassing and always filled with this preciousness of our friendship.

We don't even know how to lead a normal life, we always struggled it, we drowned, remember? (You are looking down with some smile lost in your thoughts, daydreaming) We gave up on everything to be here today and look at this! (the view) Please tell me it's never gonna stop...

You are turning your head to shoot an admiring glance at the width of some magnificent bowl-shaped valley embracing this endless horizon. I'm taking a deep breath and watching it, too. Not a sound

What is the next place? the age of A.I.?' you suddenly ask me

I couldn't help but smile

Let's go!

* A.I. - artificial intellect (robotic era)

14/08/2020 new writing

к сожалению, нет раздела историй или прозы на английском, поэтому добавляю сюда. Я вернулась на Стихи Ру спустя три года, т.к. мои иностранные рассказы и поэзия стали распространяться в соцсетях, и мне просто необходимо закрепить их копирайтом. Надеюсь на понимание :) (фото- личный архив)
