
Minnosh was a very cute little cat,
His eyes were big and his ears were as big as his head.
Sometimes he even thought of himself as a lion
And he was snarling, snoring while sleeping, he used to sleep in the chess box.

Chess figures would attract his attention,
He loved the sound of the guitar and sometimes hid behind the guitar.
Sometimes he liked to play hide and seek
And we used to travel around the house and look for him.

I wonder how such a tiny creature
Can give so much joy to so many people,
As far as he gave us till now?
He used to warm the inside of a person with his soft body.

Some encounters change your life,
After that, you will never be the same.
In his short life, destiny united us
And this time spent with him will remain the most meaningful, lively part of my life every moment!
September26 (translated on Sept27)
Annie Moonlight
