A conversation with Him story

I'm entering your room

the air is stuffy from worn out books sandwiched between the shelves, neatly folded on the window ledge, as some lay scattered on the sofa... The couch is placed next to the fireplace and its crackling fire enchants me but only to wake me up some seconds later, addressing all my attention to you

You smile at me as you turn your head, revealing that INCREDIBLE sagacity depicted in your wrinkles so I start to sense the vibrations rushing through my limbs...as if I've known you all my life ready to fall in sync together, open up, confide in, definitely TRUST

The whole atmosphere paints a picture from the books of a cozy office – just like a sight taken from a university somewhere - one professor would drink his aromatic tea while another would get an idea dawned upon him "ah!" that causes the companion to burst into friendly laugher

... seems like we are back to my younger days if I'm suddenly catching myself in these thoughts. ( staring at my palms, "are you in my head?")

I'm patiently waiting for you to start speaking but my heart betrays me falling into play of the drumbeat so I do nothing but to finally find myself getting stuck in your eyes, waiting for your assessment, silently asking was I a good person or not.

(не уверена куда я должна относить очерки и мини-рассказы, истории на другом языке)
(фото сделано мной)

Разговор с Ним - это разговор с Богом
