My wonderful horse

This is my wonderful
and friendly horse,
I ride it ahead from
south to north,
Looking for happiness
in any race
For some great adventure
in a faraway place.
I turn the pedals
as fast as I can,
Like a bird, like a wind,
I rush, dash and again
To explore native lands,
All the wonderful space.
My horse doesn’t eat
Any forage or grass,
Its house is not a stall
But garage.
It never makes neigh,
It never makes “bang”,
My horse doesn’t lick
My palm with its tongue.
It’s healthy and strong,
And I’m so glad-
It doesn’t need hospitals,
And also a vet.
But what is this sound?
I hear some hiss,
I look at the ground,
That we have just passed,
There I see some broken glass.
Oh, my race is over,
I must reveal
That I have to change
The punctured wheel
