I m Letting Go

I'm letting go of pain, grudges of the past and wounds,
I'm letting go all the ones who left me.
I'm letting go of everyone who bettayed without reasons
And all of those who found the reason for bettaying still.

I'm letting go of life where I was absent,
Where others were of more significanse and value,
Where life was always wasted
And there was no calmness in the heart and soul.

I'm letting go of bitterness and guilt,
There was so little joy and light in this heart!
I'm letting go of the world that was in half,
A world without dreams, a world of dazzling darkness!

I'm letting go of the world without you,
For you awakened dozens of devilish fears inside of me,
But it was all for setting of my spirit free,
For that I will be always thankful to you, my dark prince!

June 25, 2019
Annie Moonlight
