Nature sleeps

(«Джон Донн уснул, уснуло всё вокруг…»)

Deep silence.
Not even a leaf is astir. 
The trees are at rest
looking idly towards the West
from their ground nest,
or at the East astern.

Dead breeze.
Pine-trees on a seashore
stretch their hands
with needles in spinous ends
scratching the air, and   
guiding the show.

Everyone sleeps -
the sand and the sea,
the fishermen in boats,
the sun at the coast,
the skies with rain loads -
one might ever see.

All creatures:
no sound, no whistle,
no wings flopping,
no shell’s popping,
no wind’s cropping,
no any life enisled. 

26.08.2020 г.
