
You live your life as if you can
Leave everything and live again
The paradox of your existence
Is miracle at every instance
You should've wondered how in hell
You haven't rolled a single fail,
And how your happy, senseless life
Is infinitely lucky prize!

You know your boundaries well:
Like Pavlov's dog you learned the bell,
You put yourself in self-made cage
And don't let in both joy and rage,
You don't gamble, don't curse,
Cannot be last, cannot be first,
You even made yourself a promise
To never ask about your purpose.

You are a normal human being,
Possess no virtue - and no sin,
And once the paradox is solved,
You will go back to... Wait, you won't
You were careful and safe,
You took your jackpot to your grave,
The time always wasn't right -
Well, now your time has run out.
