3. The Impossible Things - Part 23

There are no survivable times
If the one who will execute reigns.
There are no unfindable rhymes:
Sometimes you just need to rack your brains.
There are no unadorable primes
If you have no broken heart that pains.
There are no uncommittable crimes:
One shall answer for ill-gotten gains.

There are no uncrackable nuts,
Though, of course, it may sometimes be hard.
There are no unsweatable guts
If you are not a Goddamned old fart.
There are no unkickable butts,
Though not always you’ll get past their guard.
There are no unscrewable sluts,
But I guess you shouldn’t taste every tart.

There are no playable pranks
If there’s nothing good about your car.
There are no unrobbable banks:
It don’t matter how guarded they are.
There are no unwalkable planks
If the Grim Reaper’s not at all far.
There are no unjoinable ranks
If you think that your calling is war.

There are no unstrikable flags
If you have no more strength to resist.
There are no unridable nags,
But don’t think you’ll stand first on the list.
There are no unusable tags
If you’re well-read, a great aphorist.
There are no unchewable rags,
But while arguing don’t use your fist.

There are no makeable sleazes
If you are just a hardworking skin.
There are no unfannable breezes,
But why waste time on what’s worth no pin?
There are no ungettable cheeses
If you are not one who’s used to win.
There are no uncurable diseases:
Time will always find a medicine.

28.02.97 – 24.10.99
