Immortal Life. Бессмертная Жизнь

Literary project «1000 and one day with Poetry and Prose». Литературный проект «1000 и один день с Поэзией и Прозой».

Literary project «Science in Poems» («On the language of Science»). Литературный проект «Наука в Стихах» («На языке Науки»).

Cycle of poems «Primary elements: Information, Matter, Energy». Цикл стихотворений «Первоэлементы: Информация, Материя, Энергия».

«Immortal Life». Poem by Ksenia Mira 2020. «Бессмертная Жизнь». Стихотворение Ксении Миры 2020 года.

Immortal Life

If you are sad, my friend, just smile,
Smile, and your Life begin to shine.
Why we were born? – Oh, we would not die! –
Born for the Eternal Love of Life.
Its breath and its soul, my child,
Child of the Tree of Life, Intelligence and Wild.
Love me! Do it! And breathe!
Always think! And feel! And live!
A child of World and its folk.
Information, Matter, Energy of the Matrix World.
From ancient age, when God was Unite
And Constant Station Being,
Then disintegrated into the Parts,
That are changing. And it decided our Hearts.
And this is the Time, a Matter of Life.
All this is us. Keep It in your Mind.
Ksenia Mira ©
