3. The Impossible Things - Part 5

There are no breakable vows
If what’s honor you have an idea.
There are no unavoidable rows,
For of them you can always steer clear.
There are no unmilkable cows,
But you’ll never get from them some beer.
There are no unmakeable bows
When you want to retire, being sere.

There are no unhauntable pubs
If your passion for spirits can’t be reined.
There are no inexpungible rubs
If to look dangers in th’ face you’re trained.
There are no undrainable cups:
To the drugs a cup of pleasure’s drained.
There are no unbuyable pups
If all shop assistants are your friends.

There are no applicable brakes
When your car falls into an abyss.
There are no unimprovable makes,
And it’s always a hit or a miss.
There are no unbakeable cakes:
Don’t forget to give your friend a piece.
There are no unwakeable snakes,
And beware when you have heard it hiss.

There are no unsettable traps
When your arrows and bullets go wide.
There are no unreadable maps
If cartography’s a hobby you ride.
There are no unseasonable claps
When a genius appears by your side.
There are no unbridgeable gaps
If mutual understanding’s not died.

There are no conscionable deals
If you’re not sure about what to do.
There are no unpoisonable meals,
But be sure that you will not die too.
There are no unblisterable heels
When you wear one pair all your life through.
There are no unspinnable wheels,
But it can be they’ll get out of true.

28.02.97 – 24.10.99
