
Appearing on stage when we are least aware,
Having a ball with our neural software.
More fateful than matches near a powder keg.
As helpful or harmful as third arm or third leg –

Extensions of self – can brace, touch or knock out –
Toxic words floating for days – radioactive clouds
Overshadowing, overhanging, overbearing,
Carrying their venom, devoid of caring.

Words are like us – they can come from abroad,
They also get worn out after traveling odd roads.
What happened to the old 'nincompoop', did it go caput?
The way of the bedlam, cockamamie, Bigfoot?

Some emigrant words boast no lowly status –
French words strut like gentry on extended hiatus –
'Creme-de-la-creme', 'haute couture' –  and the like –
They don't mix well with 'fist', 'knickers' or 'strike'.

But words as a whole are a merry old bunch,
They come to our aid when we are in a crunch
They succor, they comfort, and even make us laugh – 
Sometimes at ourselves, when committing a gaffe.

Words, just like muscles, grow stronger with use – 
Let's push their limits, squeeze out all their juice.
A word unconnected, without niche or distinction
Is facing sad prospects of eventual extinction.
