To Be Together

To be together is what we’re striving,
Believing such times we’ll be surviving,
And during this temperate earthly night
We have a good chance to bring up the light.

The law of balance is ever existing
It teaches us to be stable, persisting
In bringing light to this gloomy world
Which in a dreary state has just been hurled.

Between life and death the scale is trembling
To people of the world remembering
That, they of any faith, from different place
Belong to one contemporary human race.

When on this plane downwards one pan is going
There are some people whose hearts get knowing
That it’s a good chance to balance those scales
To help mankind survive the raging gales.

The scales is balanced by light here spreading,
By real wisdom light rays ever shedding
With love, compassion this should be done
And realizing that all is the One.
