38. Empty World

(Inspired by Walt Whitman’s works)

Without you my world is empty
Like the boundless night sky covered with clouds that do not let us see the far shining plasmic spheres called stars,
Like any desert that for a hundred years has not known what is real rain while some Brazilian forest knows it,
Like an oak grove the trees of which are being cut down by destroyers of nature that are impudent enough to call themselves masters of the universe,
Like a ship the crew of which was washed overboard during a storm and sank after useless endeavors to save themselves,
Like the house of a man who, sitting before TV, learned that his only son he loved very much had just perished in a plane crash,
Like a sideboard belonging to a man and a woman who, abusing each other, broke all cups and dishes they had had,
Like a bottle of whiskey which one unfortunate man drank at a gulp, not believing yet that his beloved wife had just died,
Like the wallet of a businessman who today got his wages and was robbed by ragged vagabonds who had got no opportunity to get work,
Like a nutshell which a hungry man throws off like a useless thing after extracting its contents,
Like the skull of a soldier who was killed in Viet-Nam, trying to save his childhood friend.
Fill my world with your holy shining, oh my sweetheart!

30.08.96, 29.06.97
