Call me a relic

“Call me a relic, call me what you will,
Call me old fashioned, call me over the hill”
though, over the hill, I’m a failure bum,
but here close to you –I take the bun!

There, over the hill, I’m invisible nil,
there over the hill, I breeze faintly still,
but here I’m free to be whom I want:
maybe Schwarzenegger, or James Bond.

I’m so hungry - could eat your flesh wild,
I’m so angry –  looking out of my mind,
don’t call me old fashioned, I play my guitar,
and the way I play, could just be a star.

If the things go wrong, I’m used to take the flak
in the abusive tone,not turning my back,
and, in revenge, the one who me badly calls -
I never mind the range - kick into his balls.

So, beware of my manners, maybe rude,
as even mighty Venus her eyes protrude;
and do not forget – though it is your will,
what I’ve just said, that "I’m over the hill".    
13.0.2020 г.
