
What’s this instinctive craving for power?
Not just for a day, not merely for an hour.
Powerful influence. Powerful muscles.
Power suits to aid in my tussles.

Power tools to do the job right.
Power drink to finish the night.
And ah, reins of power, – so tantalizing...
So what gives me pause in my wild fantasizing?

So many negative connotations.
So many unfortunate correlations.
“Power-hungry”. “Power corrupts”.
Yet somehow it’s also measured in watts.

Power, in essence, denotes concentration –
Of effort, attention and proper relation.
Harnessing those can light up a room,
Send man into space, lift a nation from gloom.

While powerful influence can beget crime –
The balance of power changes with time.
Power intrinsically is not evil or good
The one who wields power determines its fruit.
