Where is God?

 “Where’s God?” we ask, when troubles hit
and life becomes so dimly lit,
that we are, stumbling, fall and cry,
and wish, in misery, to die.

We are at fault since Adam’s fall.
Sin dwells in hearts, affecting all,
defiling, making us corrupt
and bringing death, when life is sucked.

The consequence of Adam’s sin
is that, inherited within,
sin causes arguments and wars,
and makes of us thieves, liars, whores.

And who of us can truly say
that they constantly obey
all God’s commands without a glitch,
whose hearts and minds don’t itch

for riches, power, and fame,
concealing former secret shame?
Aren’t we sometimes immature?
Are all intentions sparkling pure?

If we are honest, who can boast
that we are bent to do foremost
what God requires and demands,
and set for good, and clean our hands?

How could one say: “God is unjust”,
if we are full of greed and lust,
if hearts are filled with greed and lies,
if we betray or compromise?

When sinful habits firmly bind
a soul, when it is inclined
to do such things that God objects,
oh, what such person then expects?

Sin left its terrible impact,
life with calamities is packed:
destroyed families and grief,
and life itself is very brief.

Experiencing pain or loss,
“Where’s God?” we ask in anger, cross.
He is still there where He was,
when Jesus was in Satan’s claws.

For our salvation gain,
God grieved beyond all human pain,
and with compassion and with love
He is still looking from above.

All our sins were laid upon
God’s innocent and faithful Son,
but Jesus Christ had not deserved
God’s holy anger unreserved.

The Lord had sent for our sake
the power of sin to break
His perfect Son – to save all those,
who would believe that Christ had rose

from death victorious in might,
who is the greatest ever Light.
Destroying powers of death,
He gives believers a new breath.

“Where’s God?” He waits for us all
if we upon His name call,
if in repentance we would cry,
His Holy name glorify,

if we all  sins to Him confess,
that our life is a mess.
He is a gentleman. He waits,
His love, in Christ He demonstrates.

“Where’s God?” we ask in times of gloom.
He is preparing the room
for them, who loved Him and His Word,
He makes a new and happy world.

