
Dimensions are black shadows   
They gather around us
To take away our powers

They aim to find our shallows
That we conceal in hearts
But still our deepest hollows
Cannot withstand the dark

Dimensions become wider
Of night we are all in
And we're this very binder
Between the light and dim

While we keep living under
The burden shadows cast
And nothing but the hunger
Of freedom is our lust

New day is consumed by night
And wane overtaking us

And after each day spent in this cage
Hope is gone cause everything remains
As was before without a change

Don't let our weary souls get weaker
When the grey outshines the Sun
In the sky and within us

Find us, left in dimensions of wane overtaking us
The only path towards light, it fades now
We're far away from finding a way out
Being down under

We're lost in chain of endless 
Dimensions ruining us
We're still alive but helpless
Oh, can you forgive us...?

It was a prophecy, we've realized
Now we need you to know faith is not gone
And we'll abide
Dimensions will never deprive us
Of hope to come:
Sun will outshine the dark
Dimensions fall

Find us, left in dimensions of wane overtaking us
The only path towards light, it fades now
We're far away from finding a way out
Being down under
Free us

Find us, we're calling out now
Cause it might be the last time
Just cross the line of dimensions holding us under
And we'll find path towards light
The only path towards trust
Free us

