Europe is dead

The article was published in one of the Central Newspapers of Spain.
Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez, famous Spanish writer:

I was walking down a street in Barcelona when I discovered a terrible truth: Europe is dead. She died in Auschwitz. She died in Auschwitz.
We killed 20 million Soviet citizens and replaced them with twenty million Muslims.
In Auschwitz, we burned our culture, our thinking,
creative potential, talent.
We destroyed a nation that produced great and remarkable people who changed the world.
The contribution of these people is felt in all areas of life: in science, art, international trade, but above all-in the fact that they gave the world the concept of "conscience".
And so, under the guise of tolerance, wanting to prove to ourselves that we are cured of the virus of racial hatred, we opened the gate.
millions of Muslims who brought us stupidity and ignorance,
religious radicalism and intolerance, crime and poverty caused by the unwillingness to work and maintain a decent existence
