Султану Кабусу, почившему лидеру Султаната Оман

We loved our peaceful country
And we thought, there was nothing to lose.
But one terrible night, suddenly
We lost our Baba Qaboos.
Our souls are breaking from sorrow,
We are losing our sight from tears,
We don’t know, what will bring us tomorrow,
You are gone, after so many years.
Rest In Peace, our glorious leader
Rest in Peace, our father, our friend,
Our wisest and fair-minded pleader,
You shall know, that it’s not yet the end.
Till the last of your faithful children
Won’t be taken to face our God,
Till the stars in the sky are appearin’
Till this time, we swear, shall you not
Be forgotten. For love which like fire
Burns and warms up our heart and our mind
Is immortal, as is our desire
To not leave your ideas behind.
It’s the darkest and sorrowful story,
Deepest mourning covered Oman,
And encircled by splendor and glory
Sleep you well, ya immortal Sultan.
