Spirited away

I’m walking in this cloud upon the grief
And putting down roots into the wind.
My bare soul’s becoming fall of leaf
And scarlet neck’s becoming over-skinned.

Feel backed into a corner of the orbit
Of mortal and the brightest cancer’s web.
Oh tell me Lord for what a sin have got it!
My heart and eyes full of the heavy wet.

I done for pain of in-and-out body.
I cannot see the stars deep into night.
I know this devil hungrily has caught it
But I am tired of the endless fight.

By this I have no chance but to obey.
Looks like a living dead and stack of bones
But i declare love to you today
My little spark that has been set in stone.

I’ve lost my voice and words are being silent.
I’m putting down roots into the wind.
But little spark is still in slowly shining
And scarlet threads are spreading over skin…
