Valentina Polikanina. We live not so

Living the wrong way, meeting the wrong people,
 Not that we create, we do not burn with soul,
 Not those mind touch on topics,
 We say the wrong words to each other.
 Easily we swear, we make up strained,
 Wandering in the solitude of your,
 And only about Who we really need,
 Five minutes before we die, we'll know.
 Given not, sustrates not s Tim,
 Not the Toya stvorena, the soul is not garym,
 Not you Rosamund we'll shut down the Tams,
 Tyya does not have a word AZN Adamu  govorim.
 Easy bark, naturla Marchesa s small,
 Bazyukina ?aznia day,
 I talk great Tago, hto us potreben,
 For pace HLN Yes smart patnem.
   & nbsp;Translation into Belarusian
