Now, sometime, sometime...

Now, sometime, sometime –
 Was, and is, and will continue to be
 To the roar of the crowd and the groan of Pilate
 The innocent soul is crucified –
 A soul that dared not sing...
 Now, sometime, sometime –
 Was, and is, and will continue to be
 The fate of my sister and brother
 One: from the hands of a sister and brother
 Take the crown and die...
 Now, sometime, sometime –
 From the forgotten days of Socrates
 And to the end of time
 The fate of my sister and brother –
 The trail topped with crosses...
 ...Villon, Chenier, and PoE-once.
 Ryleev, Gumilev-once.
 Now-Vysotsky. And Talcum Powder.
 And Choi. And Sasha Bashlachev...
 And tomorrow - you will be crucified,
 Heiress of unsung stanzas...
 V. A.©2020
